Chapter twenty seven

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Bellamy's POV:
The last week has been tough on all of us. Especially on Clarke. We had gotten the news that Clarke's treatment wasn't working as well as the doctors or we hoped for. So they booked an operating room yesterday and this morning Clarke was operated on. We had withhold the news from our kids until yesterday since we didn't want them to worry a whole week. Some of our kids took it better then others. Of course they are happy that their mother will be cancer free. At the same time they are worried to death because there are always risks when it comes to operating on a person.
Lincoln, Murphy and Raven has taken all the kids on a adventure to the amusement park for the whole day for two reasons. The don't have to worry about Clarke's operation and they deserve to have some fun throughout this horrible situation that we're going through. Everyone were really happy to go to the amusement park today.
I don't want to leave Clarke's side even if I'm not allowed to be in the operation room or watch in the gallery. So I'm sitting on Clarke's room waiting for an update. Octavia didn't want me to be alone and neither did Clarke. So Octavia is also at the hospital with me. I'm so happy and grateful that I have such an amazing little sister despite that she can be a pain in the ass even though we are grown ups.
For the last ten minutes I had been walking from one side of the room to the other wondering what's happening since no one is updating me. I think it annoys Octavia because she does seem annoyed with me.
-Sit down Bell. You're stressing me when you just pacing around the room. Octavia says. Yeah, she's definitely annoyed right now. I know that she's not just annoyed with me. It's also for the same reason I can't sit still. She doesn't know either what's happening in the operating room.
-Sorry O. I'm just restless and anxious about everything. I tell her.
-I get it. I'm anxious too. Just sit down, take a few deep breaths and try your best to think about something else. Octavia says.
-It's hard to get your mind on other things when your best friend, wife and soulmate is lying on a metaltable as doctors are operation on her brain and you have no idea what's happening in the operation room. I say as I'm starting to panic. All kind of awful scenarios floats around in my mind and I can't seem to turn it of. I try to recall all the happy memories since Clarke and I were kids, growing up, building a family, getting married and just being happy. No matter what has gotten in our way we have always been able to get through it together.

We would do anything together. We do everything together. 

The next day I bought all our kids to the hospital to visit Clarke. They had a blast at the amusement park yesterday. I appreciate Lincoln, Raven and Murphy for looking after our kids while I was being paranoid not knowing what the hell was going on wife Clarke. We don't know what we would have done without all our friends. I love that we are still very close with them all. I know that many people lose contact with their highschool and college friends when we all are going into the real world, starting our own families and might move somewhere else in the country, to another country. Where is so many diffrent reasons why you lose contact. So yeah, I'm very lucky to still have them so close.

Apparently it had been a scary operation yesterday. We really did hope for the best. However when they came to talk with Octavia and I after the surgery I flipped out. The doctor who had done the surgery told us that Clarke has gone into cardiac stop but that they were able to resuscitate her. I have no freaking idea what I would have done if Clarke didn't pull through. So yeah, I flipped out when I heard that. I might or might not have punches a wall and now there's a whole in that wall. But I got a little calmer when we were told that Clarke did pull through and is fine now. However the doctors were a bit worried about the consequences when she wakes up. To all our luck, Clarke was totally fine. But a little dizzy and weak. I can understand that. Her body had gone through alot during a couple of hours.
When Octavia and I got to visit Clarke she had started crying. The cause? She was so relieved and happy that she made it through it all. She was worried about me. That I would be left with the kids if she didn't pull through when they resuscitated her. 

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