Chapter twenty six

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Bellamy's POV:
Clarke has now been hospitalized a little over five weeks now. With the help of either Octavia and Lincoln we take the kids everyday. This isn't how any of us expected this summer to go. A few months ago we were planning on going to Floria for a week on a vacation. That's not going to happen now. That's not even important now. Everything that we looked toward doing might not happen. Clarke's health and well-being will always come before a vacation. 
It's Harper's birthday today and of course we're going to celebrate that. She and Monty were at the hospital yesterday with Clarke. They had brought cake with them. Monty and Harper where there for a long time yesterday to spend quality time with her. We all know that Clarke really wants to be there for Harper to celebrate her. But the doctors doesn't let her go home even for the day. That made Clarke a little furious two days ago and she kinda took that out on a nurse. 
-Kids, do you got you're presents for Harper? I ask them as I walk into the livingroom. Haley is wrapping the present from Odette since she can't do it herself. Odette had painted a picture of her and Harper and then had me frame it. Five minutes later the twins, Odette and Kensi got into the car that I were driving. Sam and Alec shared the other car since all of us can't fit in one car together. About ten minutes later we were finally at Monty and Harper's new apartment. A fun fact about them is that they buy a new house every two or three years. I don't know why. They just move around the city. Luckily for all of us they never leave the city. Kensi knocks on the front door. Opening up the door is Monty and behind him is Harper standing.
-Happy birthday aunt Harper. All the kids said in sync when Harper opened the door. I really wishes that Clarke could be here. They all give both Harper and Monty a hug before they take of their jackets and walk into the livingroom. 
-Happy birthday Harper. Feeling any older and wiser? I said and joked. I hugged them both and she thanked me. Then we could all hear voices coming from the kitchen.
-Get your dirty paws of the cake. Murphy says. We walk into the kitchen and I can see Murphy baking the cake. I never thought that this day would be here then Murphy bakes. I need to savor this moment so I take a picture on my phone. 
-You better delete that Blake! Murphy says harsh when he realizes what I just did. I know he's not really upset with me. Soon he starts laughing. 
-Cake! Odette says as she stumbles into the kitchen. 
-You have to wait until after dinner sweetie. I say and pick her up from and give her a kiss on the cheek. Odette didn't look very happy with my answer. 
-You can get a cookie. Monty says as he takes out two cookies from one of the cookie jars and gives them to her. Odette's face lits up in happiness and she starts eating. 
-So have you guys come to a decision about what you're going to do with your relationship? I ask Murphy and Raven. 
-Yeah, three days ago I moved back into the house and we're going to work on our relationship. We're no longer separated but not like officially together again. It's a working progress. Murphy says.
-Murphy and I are still very much in love. Raven says. 
-I never understood why you two took a pause in you're relationship from the beginning. I tell them. Their relationship has always been so confusing. Ever since they were teenagers. You never know where you got them.
-We might renew our vows one day. Murphy says and kisses Ravens cheek. So confusing for me. Probably for most people. 
Soon Miller, Bryan, Jasper, Mya and Harper's little brother and parents were here too. The birthday party were full on going. And by that I mean we had just ate dinner, presents were opened and it was now time for dessert. We really had a great time. And for a minute I forgot all about Clarke and the hospital. My phone ran and I excused myself from the table. Not that anyone were listening to what I just had said. I went into the livingroom to take the call.
-Hello, my name is officer Johnson. I'm from Seattle police department. Am I talking to Bellamy Blake? The voice from the other line of the call said. It felt like for a moment my heart stopped and it got hard breathing and I don't even know what the call is about.
-Yes. I say. I would be lying of I said that I wasn't nervous. 
-You're wife, Mrs Blake has gone missing. Officer Johnson says. 
-She can't go missing from the hospital. Have you checked the hospital? I ask. 
-One of the nurses from the hospital called and told us that one of their patients, your wife, is missing and they have looked for her all over the hospital. Has she been in contact with you? Officer Johnson asks. 
-Me and my kids visited her yesterday. I'm supposed to visit her in a few hours again. She can't be missing. I said. 
-I'm so sorry Mr Blake. We would like for you to get down to the police department. Officer Johnson said. I'm still trying to keep myself as calm as I possibly can. But it really is hard. My heart is beating like crazy because I'm so worried. Clarke should not have been alone at the hospital. At the same time I know that I can't be there all day and night. I have to look after our children. There's nurses and doctors there who should do their jobs and look after the patients. People can't just go missing from a freaking hospital. That's insane.
-I'm going to the hospital. I said harsh. 
-There's no point in that. She's not there Mr Blake. Officer Johnson says.
-You think there's a point for me to get down to your department? I don't think so. I'm going to look for her myself. 
-Thanks for the call. I said harsh and ended the call. I walk back into the dining room. I have no idea how I should tell the others about this and I definitely don't want to worry anyone. Even though I'm worried like hell.
-I have something to take care about. I'll be back soon. Thanks for a lovely birthday party. I said and hugged Harper. 
-Where are you going dad? Kensi asks. 
-I have a surprise that I had forgotten about. I will be back soon. I said. 

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