Chapter Twenty five

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy, Alec, Odette and I just got home from court. After all the threats I had gotten and creepy messages we used Miller's contacts and hired a private investigator who can find the person since the police didn't bother helping us find the person. It didn't take long before we found out who the person was. Apparently Alec's last foster parents was the ones who tried to scare me with those messages. It had taken another two months before we got to court. The reason we brought this to court is because at first we put out a restraining order on them. No one really knew what they were out after since they had treated Alec badly when he lived with them. Anywho it turned out when Alec came to move in with us the one's who work with children who are in the foster system found out that they, Alec's last foster parents, had treated other children who lived with them badly too. That's the reason why we are here. Alec is going of to college soon. Bellamy and I don't want him to worry about all of this. That's why we have been trying to hurry up the progress with all of this. 
Thinking about college make me anxious because I realize that all my children are soon leaving our home. I love watching them grow up and learning new things in life. Bellamy and our children are the best thing that has happened to me. Without them I don't know who I would be today. I feel old knowing they won't be here much longer. I took of my coat and hang it in the wardrobe. The four of us could smell the taste of food. It must just have come out of the owen. I help Odette off with her jacket too and then she stumbles away into the kitchen. Not many weeks ago she learned to walk. Since she's still young she can't walk very well yet. She's only thirteen months old. 

-It smells good in here. Bellamy says as we walk follow Odette into the kitchen. We see an very proud and happy Samuel standing next to the stove cooking dinner for all of us. At the table is Kensi and what I'm guessing she's doing is her homework. She's a little genius and to smart for her own age.
-Thanks dad. I'm doing quesadillas with chicken and guacamole. I've never done it before so I really hope you all will like it. Samuel says. We can see how proud he is for cooking. Around ten to fifteen minutes later all the kids, Bellamy and I are sitting at the table eating. The quesadillas with chicken and guacamole tastes really good. Jessica, Haley, Kensi and Sam talks about their day and what they have done at school. Sam also got his license now so he can drive all his siblings to school, friends and activities. Bellamy and I got a car that we share. Since it's to expensive to buy every kid a car of their own then the get their license we decided that they get to share the second car. As long as they get along with it and there won't be any fights. I think it's a good system since it works for us.
-How did it go at court? Did you win? Sam ask and the room goes quiet for a moment. We have been very open in our family about the situation and everything else. We don't keep secrets from each other.
-Hell yeah we won. They're going to jail and we won't be able to see their stupid faces ever again. Alec says and start eating.
-Language Alec! I tell him and he smiles and keep quiet. 
-Sorry mom. I'm just happy they got what they deserve. Alec says. 
-We're happy too son. Now they can't hurt you or anyone else. Bellamy says. Since it's school tomorrow the kids goes to bed not long after dinner. When it's finally nine pm all the kids has fallen asleep and it's only Bellamy and I left. Bellamy stood in the kitchen cleaning the dishes even if we have a dishwasher. I sat up on the kitchen counter. Even until this day it makes Bellamy a little frustrated since it's still 'hard to focus'.
-So I've been thinking. Alec is graduating soon and going of to college. We should have a party for him. Like a graduation party. I think he would love it and feel appreciated. I know that he's been a part of our family for a long time now and sometimes he feels a little left out. I think this is the perfect way to bring everyone together and celebrate him and really show him how much he means to our family. I tell Bellamy. For a moment Bellamy stopped cleaning the dishes and looked at me. Then a smile appeard on his lips. I knew right away that he loves my idea.
-That sounds like an awesome idea princess. Obviously we're going to invite all our friends and family, your mother and Alec's friends. It's going to be alot of people. But graduating is a great occation bringing everyone who's important to Alec's graduating party. Bellamy says. He kisses me on the cheek before he goes back to cleaning the dishes.
-Then that's settled. I'll invite everyone and organize the party. You can bake and cook. I have to buy all the kids new clothes for Alec's graduation. That reminds me that I have to go and call my mother. I say and Bellamy laughs. I look at him confused.
-Alec doesn't graduate for another three months. We have time to plan the party princess. Bellamy says.
-Okay, you're right. But we're going to have a big party. Everyone has to be there. I say and take a deep breath. 
-What's wrong Clarke? Bellamy says and looks at me. Sometimes I hate that he knows me so well. 
-I don't know what you're talking about. I say and fake a smile. 
-You want a big party and you want everyone there. You're going to call your mother which you barely ever do unless something is wrong. Bellamy says. I can clearly hear the seriousness in his voice. 
-Bell, trust me. There's nothing wrong. If there were you would be the first one to know.  m going to bed now. I tell Bellamy and kiss him on the cheek before I jump of the kitchencounter and walk up to our room to change. I feel so bad for lying to Bell. I know that the secret I'm keeping is going to destroy Bellamy and the kids. I don't want them to feel the pain I do and suffer. When I lay down in our bed I fall asleep within a few minutes.

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