Chapter seven

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Clarke's POV:
-Bell come on. Lincoln called like twenty minutes ago. O is in freaking labor and you are running around in our apartment. I said annoyed. I was currently waiting for Bellamy as I were standing in the hall. 
-You're right. Let's go now. Bellamy said and grabbed his car keys. We ran out of our apartment and to our car. Then we drove of to the hospital where we are going to met Lincoln so that we can get to the room their Octavia is. She wants Lincoln, Bellamy and I in there. No one else. 

Bellamy and I had arrived at Octavia and Lincoln's place a week after our anniversary. We hadn't really spent any time with our friends for a whole week. I had only been going to college as usual. Octavia had been acting really weird. Weirder than she usually does. And Bellamy had been teaching. He still loves teaching. I'm happy that he gets to do what he wants. Everyone should have that chance.

All our friends were here. Apparently Octavia and Lincoln have some amazing new that they want to share with us. That the rest of our friends already knows about.
I was sitting on Bellamy's lap on the sofa. Something were telling me that they are really nervous about telling us whatever is going on or is going to happen.
-O, you may tell us your important news now. Because the way you are acting scares me a tiny bit. Bellamy said.
-I am pregnant. She blurt out. Bellamy was in shock. He wasn't reacting at first. Then he turned toward the others.
-You knew about it? Bellamy asked. By now he is in shock.
-Yeah? The all said in sync.
-Congratulation O! I said.
-Congratulation? I just wished that you would have told us before those morrons. No offence guys. Bellamy said.
-None taken. Jasper said.
-It's okay. Raven said. Then the rest said something other like Raven and Jasper just had done.
-You're in school O. How are you going to takr care of the baby? You aren't allowed to quit college. I forbid that. And you Lincoln, you! I just, ugh, you got my sister pregnant? Even if babies and pregnancies are miracles. Bellamy said.
-Take a breath Bell. I said. 
-I will be out of college when I have  the child. Because I will work hard and I will talk to my teachers and see if I have the possibility to finish college a few weeks earlier. I have Lincoln and you guys. So I know that everything will work out. Octavia said.
-I'm happy for you guys. But I have to give you the brotherly talk about Octavia. Bellamy started.
-If you hurt my little sister or the baby, your child that she is carrying, I will hurt you. And it won't be pretty. But I know that you're a good guy. So I expect the best of you. I am really happy for you. Bellamy said. 
-I'm glad to hear that you guys have a plan. You're right, we will be here all way. All of us. If you need something, we will be there for you guys. I said.
-Aww, thank you guys. Octavia said and embraced both Bellamy and I in a tight hug.

Bellamy and I met Lincoln at the hospital. He took us to the room their Octavia currently is at. I had helped Octavia and Lincoln so that they could get a private room. It was pretty easy since I know a few people here. This was the hospital there my mother used to work at. 
We could hear someone barking orders. Of course it was Octavia. She usually is a diva. It's was the worst when she was seven and eight months pregnant. Jasper and Monty were scared to hang out with her then because of the mood swings that she used to have. And now she is upset with the nurses and I don't even know why.
So when we walked into the room there she was, we could see that the two nurses that was in there were a little uncomfortable. I can't really blame them. Octavia didn't look to happy. Instead she looked like she was ready to hit someone. I don't want to be that person.

-Finally! You're here. Tell these nurses to do their freaking job! Octavia said annoyed. If a look could hurt someone, these nurses wouldn't be to happy. There's nothing that I can do. They were assigned to take care of Octavia.
-Sorry, it was alot of traffic. I said.   
-Please, Bellamy were freaking out. Isn't that right big brother? Octavia said with a grin.
-Guilty. Bellamy said and carefully hugged his little sister.

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