Chapter four

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Bellamy's POV:
I ran up to level three so that I could find room 319. I had nurses telling me to stop running and walk instead. I respect them. But to hell with them  right now.
I found the room there Clarke is suppose to be. She wasn't there. I'm confused and scared right now. There were another nurse who walked out lf room 319.
-Clarke Griffin, a family member were supposed tp be in there. Can you tell me where she is? I asked. I tried my best to stay calm. Unluckily I couldn't.
-Dr Santiago is with Miss Griffin right now. She is doing an MRI on Miss Griffin. She will be done soon.  The nurse told me.
-Do you know anything about Jasper Jordan and Monty Green? I asked. This nurse is much nicer then the others.
-They both are in the OR. She said.
-What the hell is the OR? I asked nervously.
-The operation room. I don't know anything else. Oh, I see that Miss Griffin has finished her MRI. She said. At first I was confused. But I turned around and saw someone pushing a wheelchair and Clarke were sitting on the wheelchair. I'm so happy to see her alive. The nurse that I had been talking to left. She has work to do.
The nurse that wheeled Clarke took her into the room. I followed right behind them. I want to know everything that the doctor knows and found out on the MRI. She has to be okay. My princess has to be okay. So now we are waiting for the doctor to arrive. I stood in the corner. My hands in my pockets. I looked down on the floor. I might seem pathetic at this moment.

-How's she doing? I aksed the nurse.
-They had given her a few things so she might not be herself right now. The doctor will be hear any minute. The nurse told me. She was right. The doctor were on his way. Less than a minute later the nurse left and the doctor arrived. I looked over at Clarke who were laying in the hospital bed. She's in her own world. She hasn't even acknowledge that I'm here.
-How's Clarke's condition? I asked the doctor.

-I guess you are the boyfriend? The doctor said.
-I'm a family member. I said. I'm not lying. We are practically family. So I'll go with us being family members. 

-Oh, okay. She was asking for Bellamy Blake. However, she has a broken arm, two broken ribs and a concussion. A few cuts and bruises. Luckily there are no internal bleedings or damage. She's lucky that there were no other damages. The doctor told me. I'm so freaking relived that she's going to be okay and as the doctor told me, there are no other damages. Finally I feel like I can breath. Then I remembered Jasper and Monty.
-Doctor can you tell me if Monty Green and Jasper Jordan are out of surgery. They were in the car accident with her. I told him. The doctor looked through his something that he was holding.
-Monty Green is out of surgery. He's in room 320. I still have no information of Mr Jordan's condition. He's still in surgery. That's all I know. A nurse will come and check up on Miss Griffin soon. Is there someone that you can call? Jordan and Green were apparently each others emergency number. If you know someone maybe you could call them? The doctor told me before he left the room. 

To Octavia: 
Get all your asses down to Seattle Hospital ASAP! Please grab a taxi. 

I put away my phone. Then I sat down on a stool next to Clarke's hospital bed. She still, as before, seems to be in her own world. Our eyes met. I could tell that she is confused and dizzy.

-Yo, stranger come here. I need to tell you a secret. Just listen. She said adn waved her hands telling me to get closer. I'm scared of what she might say. This isn't the Clarke that I know. The doctor and nurse told me after all that she won't be herself for a few hours. I did as she wanted and leaned in a little closer.
-I'm mad at my friend. Clarke started.
-Who is - 

-Shhh! I said listen you mean person. Octavia!! Clarke said excited. Octavia? What? 
-What about O? I asked. Clarke pointed at the door. There stood Octavia and all our friends. They all looks really shocked.
-How did you guys get her so soon? I asked.
-I wondered where you went and we tracked your phone. Took a taxi here and when we went into the hospital I saw your text. Octavia said.
-Can someone tell me why the actually hell Clarke is in a hospital bed and where are Monty and Jasper? What happened? Raven asked.
-All I know is that there were a car accident. I got a call that Clarke had been in a car accident. I said.
-Hey! That's my name! Clarke brust out in laughter.

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