Chapter nine

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Clarke's POV:
-Bell! I said as I ran into the livingroom. 
-What is it princess? Bellamy asked me.
-I quit my job and applied for another. The job is at the same school as the one you're teaching at. So we'll be seeing each other at lunch break and other breaks. I got the job. I said happily.
-Really you did that? Bellamy asked a little in shock. I know that this might come as a little surprise since our fight a few weeks ago. But we talked in all over at everything is fine between us. Also this isn't the same as what Bellamy were going to do.
-Yeah I did. Please say that you're happy. I said nervously.
-Of course I'm happy. Bellamy said and kissed me.
-Are you sure you're okay with it? I asked again as we seperated from the kiss.
-Of course I am. Bellamy said and kissed me again. 
-Good because I start next monday. I said. 

Later that evening Bellamy and I were in the kitchen. Lately Bellamy has started to teach me how you actually cook and prepare dinner. Because he hates me cooking. Even if he appreciate me trying to make us something to eat. This has become our weekly thing to do together. I think that it's good quality time together that I enjoy. Bellamy loves to see me fail as I cook. But only because he has to help me. Sometimes we argue a little. Usually it isn't seriously. 

-Seriously princess. You're going to burn the food. Bellamy complained.
-You know I'm trying. I was born as an artist. Not a chef or someone who knows how to cook. I got you for that. To make me food even how much I love you for being so patient with me. I'm never going to learn how to make food that taste good. I said. Bellamy leaned in an kissed my cheek before he went back to the stove and continue cooking.

-You know I'm better at baking. I said and crossed my arms as I sat up on the counter, next to the stove.
-So you think that you're good at that, don't you? Bellamy challenged.
-You know I am. I said.

-Are you up for a bet princess? We'll cook both dinner and a dessert. Then we will have Aurora, Jasper and Monty as judges. And they will decide who the winner is. What do you think about that princess? Bellamy asks.

-You got a deal pretty boy. So what should we cook then? For the bet I mean. It will be fair if we do the same dessert and meal. I said.
-Pasta and bolognese since it's easy for you. And for dessert we can chocolate souffle. It's easy to do. I will probably win no matter what dish we do. Do we still got a deal? Bellamy asked.
-You're on pretty boy. I said.

-How many times have I told you that I dislike that name? Bellamy asked.
-Okay okay. You're on my handsome man. I said, leaned down and gently placed a soft kiss onto Bellamy's lips. I didn't want to distract him to much right now. Then I grabbed my phone. And Bellamy looked disappointed.
-Who are you texting? He asks.
-Our friends. We're doing this tomorrow. I'll let them know that they should be here three o'clock. It will be epic. You're going down babe. I said and smirked at Bellamy.
-I'm so winning. Bellamy said and took my phone away as I had finished typing on it, and sent the text to everyone. Then Bellamy took the food of the stove and placed the food onto two plates that's for him and I. After that we sat went to the livingroom, took our plates and drinks with us, and put on a tv-serie that we could watch together. We are currently watching Friends. We love to watch that show together. 

Bellamy and I had fallen asleep on the couch last night after we had finished eating and watched three episodes of friends. It was saturday and it was only seven in the morning. Oh well, I can keep sleeping. I tried to fall back asleep but it was pretty hard. There's a lot of things that is going through my mind. One thing that I usually think about is that I won't be able to have kids of my own. Bellamy has been so supportive. Always has been and he always will be. I know it and I can feel it. We talked a lot about adopt a child. The thought of doing that is growing on me and it doesn't seem like a bad idea. But lately I have been thinking about if there is a possibility if we could use a surrogate. I would still be up for adoption. But that's another idea and it doesn't seem to bad either. I haven't talked to Bellamy about it. But I'm thinking about talking to him about that today. My biggest concern is if we use a surrogate, and if it's possible, would that child love me as much as if I would carry him or her? That thought were scaring me. I got Bellamy and we will figure it out somehow. 
I looked at my phone. Two hours has already past. I could hear someone at the door. It's not Bellamy because he's laying next to me. There is only two person it would be. Octavia and Lincoln along with Aurora of course. 

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