Chapter six

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Clarke's POV:
It's been exactly one year since Jasper was released from the hospital. Somehow Bellamy and I have managed to keep our relationship a secret. Except that Jasper knows but I think that he deserved to know. After half a year in a coma? He definitely  deserves it.
The reason that Bellamy and I keep our relationship a secret isn't because we are ashamed of dating each other. It's rather the opposite. We like to sneak around. Since we still are living together it's easier. There were a time when Jasper was kicked out of Monty's apartment because Miller and Monty got together and now they are dating each other. They make a cute couple. It's not that we don't want Jasper to live with us. It's just that we want our apartment to ourselves. Somehow our friends think that mine and Bellamy's place is sometimes they can just come and go how they please. It's getting annoying sometimes. Five months ago we changed lock on the door. Somehow Octavia managed to get a copy of our keys and made on for each friend of ours. It's not much that we can do about it these days. 

Bellamy and I rented an apartment in Chicago for a weekend once just so that we could get away from everything and just spend time together. No one knew there we were. We just left Seattle. When we got back Octavia were freaking out. She screamed at us how worried she was and how we should never leave again without telling someone. 
Right now Bellamy and I were getting ready. Bellamy, I and all our friends were going out bowling tonight. We thought that it was a good idea and fun for a change. Jasper had been the one who got to decide what we should do. I haven't been bowling for years. Last time was probably seven years ago. It's going to be fun doing it again. 
This day is also a very special day for Bellamy and I. Bellamy and I are celebrating one year together. I can't believe that it's already been a whole year. Time really flies by. My life is pretty amazing with Bell next to me. This year has been the best year of my life. 
-Are we telling them tonight princess? Bellamy asked.

-Aren't I a little to old for you to still call me princess? Yeah, we are telling them tonight. I answered Bell.
-First of all, you are always going to be my princess. So I'm always going to call you not only princess, but my princess. Second of all as much as I have loved sneaking around with you and love you, it's going to be nice telling everyone. I can openly show everyone how freaking amazing you are and how much I'm in love with you. The PDA is on princess. Bellamy said and leaned in to kiss me.
-No kissing now. I'm putting on make-up. I said. 

-You don't need any make-up. You are beautiful just like you are. You don't need any of that to be  beautiful. I prefer your natural look. Bellamy said.
-It's our special day. our anniversary. I said.
-I know. It will be special. I have a plan for us after we have bowled. Now, I love you and lets go. We don't want anyone to wait for us. Bellamy said. I lightly smashed him on the chest before and kissed him deeply before we left our apartment.

Twenty minutes later Bellamy and I arrived at the bowling place. We decided that we are going to announce our relationship before everyone leave. Because if we tell them when we get their they will probably question us about everything. I don't want to go through that. Not that I don't really mind. It will only be annoying with all those questions about Bellamy and I.
We were only waiting for Monty and Miller to show up. Until they come we talked about what's been going on these past few days that we haven't been hanging out. It was really nice catching up with everyone.

-We're here now. Miller said. Everyone greeted Monty and Miller. After that we talked for another three minutes before we started bowling. I'm having a really good time and so does the others. I have forgotten how fun this is. Especially when you are bowling with your friends. That's extra fun. 

-Damn you Clarke! You are beating us all. Are you sure that you haven't been here, practicing on your own? Monty asked.
-I'm a fast learner. I have found the best technic unlike all of you. I said.
-That's mean. Jasper said. 
-It doesn't matter who wins. Bellamy said. Everyone looks at him weirdly in choir they all said 'It does'.
-Then you should play better. The princess is kicking your asses. Bellamy said and smirked.
-She should win because it's a special day. Jasper said. I know what he's doing. He is trying to push Clarke and I to tell everyone.
-We are celebrating you today Jasper. I said.
-Shouldn't we be celebrating you Clarkie? You and someone else? Jasper said.
-Don't call me Clarkie. Maybe I do celebrate something. I said. All our friends were now listening carefully to our conversation instead of bowling.
-The princess has a lover. Jasper said. Everyone seem to be shocked by these news. Obviously they are since no one knows anything.
-Who is it? Tell us Clarke. Who is your looover. Octavia said dragging out the word lover. I looked at Bellamy for premission to tell them the truth. Even if we agreed on it earlier today.
-That would be me. Bellamy said as he went up and stood next to me.
-My best friend and brother? You and him? How, when, where like I don't, this is to much for me to progress. Still I am happy for you guys. Octavia said as she was trying to find the right words. Our friends congratulated us. It is very nice that the hot, sneaky part of our relationship is out. I agree with Bell before. I'm going to love all the PDA.
-For how long? Octavia asked.
-We are kinda celebrating a year as a couple today. I said.
-A whole year? Monty asked.
-Damn, you must be good in bed Blake. Murphy said ad earned a slap from Raven.
-Bell's an exellent lover. I said.
-Wait you knew about this Jas? Octavia said.
-Yeah, they kinda told me when. I woke up from the coma. Jasper said.
-Princess and I have a dinner date to attened. I think that it would be a good idea to leave a little earlier. Don't you princess? Bellamy said.
-You are right. Let's go. I said. Bellamy and I turned around and ditched our friend.
-I have more questions later! Octavia yelled at us. Bellamy and I just laughed before we left the bowling center.
-Poor Jasper. They are probably going to force as much information as they possible can from him. I said.
-Haha right, poor guy. Now, let's get to the restaurant. Shall we? Bellamy said.
-We shall. I said. Even if we had left our friends a little earlier than we were supposed to we missed our reservation. We had gotten caught up with each other instead. Still it was the best anniversary ever. Because it was just Bellamy and I. No one who were interrupting us even if the rumor of us being together is spreading right now.

Octavia's POV:
After Bellamy and Clarke had left we finished the game. Lincoln won since Clarke and my brother were no longer here. Maybe that's a good thing because we wouldn't hear the end of her winning.
The mention of them. I can't believe that they are together. And have been able to keep it a secret of the past year. Damn, they are better at that then I ever thought at hiding things. I wonder what they have been keeping from us more. It seems like I have been underrested them. And I were the one who who had a big surprise tonight. 
Our friends had followed us to mine and Lincoln's apartment. We have to let Clarke and Bellamy in on our surprise another day. I'm extremely happy for Lincoln and I.  

Murphy and Raven had found their way to the liquid cabin as the others were in the living room waiting for what's the big revival. Meanwhile Lincoln and I were in our bedroom getting a picture if what we are going to show them. We were also having a little small talk, which didn't included talking. 

-You have barely hinted anything about your surprise. Jasper said. 

-Yeah, we want to know. Harper said. 
-Chill out and take a drink. Murphy said and gave Jasper some moonshine. 

-I'm actually pregnant. Nine weeks. I said. Raven choked on her drink then they all started to congratulate us. I'm really happy and so is Lincoln. I love him so much and he is going to be a phenomenal father in seven months. He alreay is because he is taking really good care of me and the baby.
-Here's our very first ultrasound. Lincoln said and gave the picture to Monty who then sent it to the next person so that everyone could have a look. Now I just have to share the news with my dear brother and best friend. I hope that Bellamy is going to act nicely and be happy for me. That he's going to be happy for Lincoln and I. But he will probably threaten Lincoln. Just like he did when we announced that we were officially dating. 

I know that this chapter was really short. I will make the other much longer and I hope that you guys are enjoying reading and like this story. 

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