Chapter twenty nine

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Clarke's POV:
Our whole family were gathered around the living room eating pizza. It's been a crazy eventful day despite the holidays. Octavia, Lincoln, Aurora, Miller and Bryan are here too.
-Mama, how did you and dad meet? Haley asks. All our kids attention goes to Bellamy and I. Bellamy drapes his arm around me and pull me closer to him. 
-Well, would you like to tell the story Bell? I ask. I give me a smile.
-You tell it better. Bellamy says. 

Octavia and I were playing at the playground with a few other girls in our same age. We're both in kindergarten. I wasn't the toughest kid in our grade. However if you mess with me or my friends I won't be to happy. As Octavia and I along with two of our other friends, that we no longer are in contact with were playing together. Everything is fine, obviously until five boys came up to us and pulled harshly both Octavia and Emma's pigtails. Both girls whimped in pain. That obviously got my attention. I've always been a little bossy and stubborn. At least that's what I've been told. 
-Stop doing that to my friends! I said with anger to the two boys. I walked up to them and they let go of both Octavia and Emma's hair and turned to me. 
-Let it go Clarkie. Kayla said. She was or other friend. 
-Yeah, listen to her, you little dummy. Said one of the boys. 
-Never call me that and never pull my friends pigtails again. I said and pushed one of the boys to the ground. All the kids on the playground were taken aback by my action. I were never the one to push another kid. 
-Bitch. I heard another boy saying. Where did he learn that word? He should be using manners. 
-Don't use swear words! It's not nice. I said. 
-Let it go. Kayla said again. 
-They were mean to you! I said and crossed my arms. I was a special little child. I might have only been five years old. But I never let anyone bully my friends. Or say mean words about them. 
-What's going on? I heard a voice behind me. I wished that it was a teacher but I heard clearly on the voice that it was a little boy. 
-None of your bussiness. I said. He had nothing to do with this. It's between me and two other guys. 
-No one's mean to my sister. The boy said. 
-Lucky you I'm not your sister. I said. 
-O is my sister. The boy said and looked straight at me. What I hadn't noticed, neither had the boy that I'm currently talking with, that the boys that had pulled Emma and Octavia's pigtails had ran off. I remember Octavia saying that she had a big brother. However I had never met him before. That's until now.
-You're Bellamy. I said. I also remember Octavia mentioning his name a couple of times. 
-What were they, wherever they went doing to my sister? Bellamy said looking around us. The boys were no near to be seen. Octavia, Emma and Kayla had gone back to playing at the playground. There were only one boy left, who I never have seen before so my guess is that he's a friend of Bellamy's. 
-Pulling on her pigtails. I took care of it and they won't do that again. I said. 
-She's my sister which means that she's my responsibility. Bellamy says. 
-I'm her best friend forever. I'm always going to be there for her. I said. 
-Thanks for having her back I guess. Bellamy said and walked away.
*Back to presence*

-So have did you two get to know each other? Jessica asks. I looked at Bellamy. I remember how we were friends yet we could go on each other nerves within just a few seconds and act like enemies when we were younger. We have many good memories from back then. We might have met when I were in kindergarten. However we didn't get to really know each other until later. 
-Let me think. I said.

I was six and Bellamy seven years old. Octavia and I were best friends. We were inseperable. Up until now we had only played together in kindergarten. I had asked my mother if I could go over to the Blake's house and play with Octavia. She drove me over to their house even if she didn't got the time doing so. My father were in a bussiness trip with his work. When he were away I was alone since my mother didn't really look after me and used to take a few more shifts at the hospital. Despite me only being six years old. I really missed my father when he went away. When my mother saw me walk into the Blake's house she drove away. She didn't even say when she would come and pick me up. I didn't think twice about it when. 
For about two or three hours Octavia and I played in the backyard and her mother made us sandwiches and juice. We pretended to have a picknick in the backyard. Bellamy and his friend Miller had just came home from soccer practice. 
-Hey princess. Bellamy said and smiled. I'm not really sure where he got that nickname from. 
-Hey Bell. I said and smiled back at him. At that time I used to have one of those childhood crushes. 
-What are you playing? Miller ask Octavia. 

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