Chapter ten

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Clarke's POV:
-The bags are packed and in the car princess. We need to leave now if we are going to caught the plane in time. We don't want to miss it, now don't we? Bellamy said. I rolled my eyes and kissed Bellamy on the lips.
-Of course, we won't be late. I promise you that. I said and put on my jacket.
-I'll be out soon. Go grab a cab outside. I'll be there shortly. I said. Bellamy smiled, grabbed our bags and walked out of the apartment. Tomorrow I turn twenty three. Apparently Bellamy had talked to everyone of our friends and arranged for us to take a vacation trip. We're going to Venezia, located in Italy, for five whole days. How amazing isn't Bellamy? This was my birthday present from Bellamy and our friends. I don't really care where we're going as long as I get to do this trip with my friends. When I walked out of the apartment I saw Bellamy getting into the taxi waiting for me. 

-This is going to be so freaking amazing guys! Five days in Venezia. Best birthday present every guys! Octavia said. She sounds so enthusiastic.
-You know that this is originally Clarke's birthday trip aka present. From all of us. Monty told Octavia. She picked up Aurora from her carriage. Aurora literally loves to play pranks on people. She also loves to run away from us so that we have to run after her. She's not one to sit still and do nothing. She's almost four now. It makes sense to Aurora not to do anything. She always wants something to do just so that she won't get bored. 

Aurora goes to the kindergarten that is on the other side of the road to the high school there both Bellamy and I still teach. I still teach art and Bellamy history. Usually after we end work Bellamy and I together pick up Aurora from kindergarten since Octavia and Lincoln finish their jobs after us. But they take their daughter to the kindergaten. This has become like a rutine for us. So this is pretty normal for the four of us to do. Aurora has gotten used to it.
There were one time then either of the four of us could pick Aurora up. Octavia had called in Murphy and Raven to come and get her from kindergarten instead. Let's just say that Aurora were no near happy about that.  Murphy isn't her favourite person. Still isn't if I'm being honest. Aurora thinks that Murphy is scary. I thought so too when I first met him. Murphy and Raven are still together. Sometimes I don't understand their relationship. They have some sort of relatinship. It's kinda like they are in love but hate and can't stand one another. But then it can just turn around again and they will be all lovey with each other.
-We need to board the plane now. If not we are going to miss the flight. We don't want that. I'm ready for a vacation. Miller said. Lincoln picked up Aurora, so that she won't run away somewhere else, then they followed us onto the plane. Venezia here we come!

I was told that Bellamy had booked five rooms in total. Bellamy and I share a room, Murphy and Raven has one of their own. Aurora is sleeping at the same room as her parents. Jasper shares one with Maya obviously. Then they put Harper in the same room as Monty and Miller.
As Lincoln checked us in and everyone got their seperate keys Aurora had decided to explore the hotel. She had dragged me with her. I told Bellamy to look after my luggage and take it to our room. Aurora ran around on every floor of the hotel. There are fourteen floors at the hotel. This kid as some real energy for sure. 

-Aurora, I'm tired. Can we keep exploring tomorrow? Maybe we could pull a prank on your parents? I suggested.
-Yes! We'll prank them! She said happily. I then left her at Lincoln and Octavia's room. They were getting themselves ready to go out eating. Raven had apparently made a reservation at some fancy restaurant. It seems like all my friends has had one part in all of this and made sure that everything is amazing. And that we all, not only I, are going to enjoy and love this little vacation. I'm very greatful for everyone.

-O picked out this dress for you princess. Bellamy said and pointed at an very beautiful dress that was hanging on the wardrobe. It was a midnight blue dress. The dress was long, tight around my waist and strapless. I had never seen this dress before. I look really classy and elegant. At least I think so. That's what counts after all. I also feel really comfortable in it as I try it on.

-OMG Bell, this is beautiful. I love the dress.
-Good to hear that princess. It's from Raven, Maya, Harper and Octavia. It wasn't the cheapest dress. But you deserve it so much. You look beautiful and sexy. The midnight blue color brings out your eyes. And this one is from me princess. Bellamy said and gave me a small box. 

-Open it. Don't worry, I'm not proposing. Bellamy said.
-It's beautiful Bell. I love you so much. I said and took out the idem from the box. It was a heart necklace with the letters B and C engraved. I gave the necklace to Bellamy so that we can help put it on me. I love his present. It's really thoughtful and again, it's beautiful. Then Bellamy cupped my face in his hands, leaned in and gently placed a sweet kiss on my lips. 

-Damn Bell. You might be getting lucky tonight. I whispered as we were holding hands. 
-Am I? Maybe I should buy you some more jewelry. What about that princess? Bellamy said. 
-I don't need to get jewelry for you to get a wild and fun night. Now I shall fix a few things before I'm ready to leave for the restaurant. I'm pretty hungry. Haven't had a proper meal since yesterday evening. I said. I said and kissed him.
-That we can fix. Bellamy said before I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair so that we can go out and eat later. 

-What's happening today Bell? I asked Bellamy as we went down to the diner at the hotel.
-I'm going to take you to the art museum Ca' Pesaro. Then you and I will take a romantic gondola ride through the grand canal here in Venezia. Octavia, Lincoln, Harper, Monty and Miller are going to the beach and Aurora are going with them. I don't what Jasper and Maya has planned for the day. Bellamy said.
-Really? Are we seriously going to do that? I asked. 

-Yeah, if you want to do something else I can cancel something? If you don't like it I mean. Bellamy said a little nervously.
-Bellamy it's perfect. I love it and I love you. This is perfect. This is way more than I would ever ask for. I turned twenty three yesterday. All of this is almost to much. I said. 

-You deserve all of it. I will always cherish and love you Clarke Griffin. Bellamy said and kissed me as we were now standing in the elevator. It was gentle and sweet. Nothing forced. Then we could hear someone fake cough. Bellamy and I turned around. The elevator doors were opened and an older couple, probably in their sixties there standing there. Bellamy and I made an attempt to leave the elevator. I couldn't keep myself from laughing. Neither could Bellamy. When we could hear the older woman saying "Kids these days". When we got to the diner all our friends were already there. Everyone sitting, eating and talking with each other. Aurora had food all over her face. Jasper were talking with food in his mouth as Maya seem to be half asleep aleady. I laughed a little at the sight before Bellamy and I sat down at the table. 

Bellamy and I had had the perfect day. First we had eaten breakfast with everyone. Then I got ready for us to leave for the art museum. It was really fun there. We spent four hourse at that museum before we went to a pizza place. After that we walked around in the city for a while before we went to the place there we could take a gondola ride through Venezia. Everything was literally perfect the whole evening.
Both Bellamy and I were tired when we got home so we ordered in food instead and watched a movie. It was the best way to end this whole long and amazing day. I can't wait until the next day to see what Bellamy got planed for the two of us. All I know is that we are going to rent two cars for everyone so that we can go somewhere. I am literally living and loving my life right now. 
-Have I told you how amazing, loving, down to earth and handsome man you are Bellamy Blake? I said as I laid on the bed eating strawberries. 
-A couple of times. But I don't remember the last time I heard those words. Bellamy said. 
-You are the most amazing and handsome man I ever have known. You are so down to earth and loving person. There is no one else for me. You're the one, you're mine. I said. Bellamy sat down on the bed and kissed me.
-And I love you. I added.
-I'm so in love with you princess. Bellamy said. 

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