Chapter twenty one

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Clarke's POV:
It's been six weeks since my mother woke up. Five weeks since she were allowed to go home. I couldn't stay with her since my family is in Seattle and my job is there. I talk to her everyday to make sure that she's okay. I'm still worried about her. At the same time I know that she's getting better.
-It's our birthday tomorrow. Me and Haley turn eleven. Jess said as she walked into my art studio.
-Indeed it is. Happy early birthday my sweet girl. I said and hug her.
-Thanks mama. I was wondering if I could help with the cake? Jess asks me.
-I'm finished with the cake. But if you want we can make a second one? It never hurt to have two cakes. I said.
-Yes, I'd like that. I will tell Haley if she want to help. She said and walked out leaving me alone. I stayed for an hour in the art studio, tuned up the music volume and enjoyed my time alone. Even if I love spending time with my family. My phone ran and I answered.
-Hello. I said.
-Clarke, how are you doing? It was my mother on the other line.
-I'm fine. Painting a little. I'm the one who should ask how you are doing. I was going to call you about if you still are coming tomorrow? I know that the kids would love to. They turn eleven only once. And I would like if you came too. I tell my mother.
-Of course, I wouldn't miss it. She answers me.
-Good, I'll have Lincoln and Octavia to pick you up at the airport. Aurora, their daughter will be with them. It's going to be a big party. We have invited all our friends and the twins friends. You tell me if it gets to much for you. I say.
-You are so kind sweetheart. I will be fine. I'm already much better. I went to the doctor for a check up yesterday. I'm allowed to go back to work in a week. My mother tells me. She sounds so happy about it. Which makes me very happy.
-What should I buy them? My mother adds.
-Haley is still into painting. Jessica has grown fond  of karate. Bellamy is scared that she will get hurt. But it's good that she can learn how to defend herself. Bellamy agrees with that. I tell my mother.
-Kensi and Samuel? She asks.
-Kensi likes literally everything that her siblings likes. That way she can spend time with her siblings always as she says. Samuel still like sports and cars like most boys. I tell her.
-Okay. Also I will be at the airport at nine tomorrow. But I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow Clarke. My mother says. We tell each other goodbye and I go back to painting.


-Dad, look what we did. It's a chocolate fondue cake with strawberry. It taste really good. Haley says.
-It looks great guys. I bet you are right. Bellamy saysand taste a little of the batter that had been left over. He had just gltten of work.
-Now we got two cakes. Jessica said.
-They did the cake on their own. I helped them with the fondue though. I tell Bellamy and kiss him lightly on the lips. We could hear the twins saying gross. Bellamy and I laughed, then I put the cake in the fridge so that it won't melt until tomorrow.

-There is your brother and sister? Bellamy ask.
-Sam is at Adam's house. And Kensi is in her room. Haley says.
-Who is Adam? Bellamy asks as he take out a water bottle from the fridge.
-A classmate. He's nice and pretty. Jessica says.
-I told my mother that O and Lincoln is picking her up at the airport tomorrow. I tell Bellamy.
-Number one, that's nice of O and Lincoln. Then will they be here? Number two, stay away from boys Jess. That includes you too Haley and Kensi.  Bellamy says.
-Do me a favor and call Sam and tell him to come home. Dinner will be served in an hour. I tell Bellamy and the twins.
-Now if you will excuse me I'm going to go and see what Kensi is doing. I tell my family and leave the kitchen. I walk up the staircase and toward Kensi's room.
-What are you doing Kensi? I ask her as I walk into her room.
-Hey mama, I am playing with cars. Kensi said as she drove around with her cars on the floor. 
-That's fun. I said and a smile appeared on her face.
-Mama, have you ever thought about selling your art? It's really good. Kensi said.
-I paint because it's a hobby of mine. Sure I'm good. But there are so many better artist that can paint than me. I don't even think that someone would buy my paintings. I tell my daughter.

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