Chapter thirteen

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Clarke's POV:
Jessica and Haley are now five months old. They don't sleep as much as they used to. Bellamy and I are really spoiling them with clothes and toys. Aurora loves to spend time with her cousins. She understand that they aren't really aware about what might be going on and won't remember things at their age. 
Bellamy and I had decided on how we should do with work and taking care of our twins. Plans has change and I think that it's going to be even better now. We decided that I should stay home until lunch to take care of the children. Then I will come to the school, there we both are still working at. We will eat lunch together and then Bellamy will finish work and take them home. He will also pick up Aurora on the way. Which means that she can go home earlier. She likes it. When I get home we make dinner and eat together. Lincoln and Octavia has then finished their work for the day so they eat dinner with us before they go home to their place. Everything has been working so far. That's a big relief. 

-Shh sweetie. Don't cry. I said as I rocked my Haley in my arms. Bellamy seems to always make them stop crying. It's all so much easier for him. It's probably easier for him since he helped his mother raising Octavia from the age of six. Octavia says that it will get easier with time. It's seems to get harder and not easier in my case. 
-Go to daddy. I said as Bellamy entered the livingroom. Jasper has given Bellamy a new nickname. The wife of the household. Even if we aren't married. Jasper means that Bellamy is much better to cook dinner than me and better with the kids. I always roll my eyes and Bellamy says that it's not true. That I'm doing a good job. 
-You're a great mum Clarke. We love you. Bellamy said. He kissed the top of my head and took Haley into his arms. It didn't take long until she stopped crying. I knew from the beginning, years ago, that Bellamy one day would be a great parent. I was right all along. 
-See, our girl isn't crying anymore. And I changed diaper on Jess. Bellamy said and laid her down in the playpen that she's sharing with her sister. 

-I could never ask for a better father to my children. I know that we say it often. I really mean it. How we manage to spend time just you and I. You, the kids and I together everyday. And how we have been able to figure out how we both can work with our schedules and kids. I think that you and I have come a long way. Just look there we started. I can't help but fall deeper in love with you every single day. I love you Bellamy Blake. I said.
-Princess, come here. Bellamy said and embraced me in a tight hug. 

-How is my two beautiful nieces doing? Are your parents spoiling you? The Blake resemblance in you two are showing so well. You are going to grow up to become two extraordinary young adults. Let me tell you, your father is going to keep being over protective of you guys. Yes, he will. We love you very much. Octavia said as she tickled them on their stomachs. Both Haley and Jessica giggled. Octavia were talking to them as if they were able to understand every word that she said. Then Aurora came running into the livingroom.

-When is the dinner ready? She asked. Aurora is now five and very independent. She doesn't have many friends. Apparently she's okay with it since she has her cousins even if they are just a few months old. She's wise for being so young. Let me just tell you that she has her mothers temper, kindness, loyalty and drive to complete things. Yet she's so young. She has Lincoln's wisdom, knowledge and respect for other people. She's kinda the perfect combination of her parents.
-In five minutes. Bellamy said.
-Thanks uncle Bell. She said and ran out to the garden again. 
-I really want one. Octavia said. 

-One of our babies? As much as we love you O, that isn't happening. I said. 
-Not one of yours you fool. Another baby so that Aurora can have a sibling. I think that it would be perfect. No one can get angry at you for being pregnant. I want to children. No more than that. Octavia said. 

-I would like that too baby. Lincoln said as he walked into the livingroom and kissed Octavia on the cheek. They are such a cute couple. I would never call Octavia cute to her face thought. That would just upset her. I don't even know why. 


-I would like to get the attention. Lincoln said and stood up from the table. We had just finished eating dinner together in the dining room. Aurora wanted to leave and go out to the swings. Usually she were allowed to leave the table. But this evening her father, Lincoln, told her to stay at the dining room because he had something to ask. I wonder what he is about to do. Everyones eyes turned toward Lincoln. For the first time that I have known him, he actually seem to be a little nervous. He walked around the table and stood now infront of Octavia.
-It might sound cheesy. But I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. I never understood what love felt like before I saw you and you appeared into my life. You gave me a family that I will always take care, love and cherish. I love you with my whole heart. Octavia Blake, will you marry me? Lincoln asked.
-Don't worry. Bellamy gave me his blessing. Lincoln add.
-Yes, of course I want to marry you. A thousand times yes. Octavia said. Lincoln put the ring on her finger and for the rest of the whole evening, O couldn't take her eyes of Lincoln and the ring. I have never seen her this happy. Except when Aurora were born of course. That was one of the happiest days of her life. That tops the engagment. This is very close enough.
-That's so sweet that you gave him your blessing Bell. I said and kissed him on the lips as I leaned in.
 -There is no one more right for her than Lincoln. I can see in their eyes that they are meant to be and how much they do love each other. Almost as much as I love you princess. Bellamy whispered.
-I'm not deaf guys. I love you big brother for giving Lincoln your blessing. It means alot to me. Octavia said and hugLimged him. -Lincoln, you have always been apart of our family. Especially since Aurora were born. But now I guess that you are officially a family member. Now you got me as the brother-in-law. We love you. I respect you for asking promission. Even if you didn't. Bellamy said.
-Thanks man. That means alot. Lincoln said. The rest of the evening were filled with love and joy as always. But this was something special to celebrate. We hadn't invited our friends over. Lincoln had said that he liked for us to have a family dinner alone. At first I hadn't understood why. But now I do and I couldn't be happier for the newly engaged couple.  

The only thing that I'm wondering is if Bellamy is ever going to propose to me. I know that I'm not the most girly girl. But I have dreamt about walking down the aisle with my father one day and for him to give me away to the one that I'll marry. To have a white wedding dress and feel all the love in the world. I don't need Bellamy to propose tommorrow or next week. But one day I would love to tie the knots with him and walk out of the church as a married couple. I love Bellamy so much. 

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