Chapter eleven

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Clarke's POV:
I were laying in bed. Bellamy were laying right next to me. His arms are wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. I love our mornings like this. Bellamy is still asleep and he is snoring. At first I thought that it was annoying. I have gotten used to it now and he is very cute because he looks so peaceful. I were thinking back to a conversation that we had with our friends last night. 

Bellamy and I had arrived at Octavia and Lincoln's new house that they had bought. It was a beautiful, new renovated house. One kitchen, two bathrooms, one livingroom and three bedrooms. They had a big backyard with a beautiful patio.
Aurora were playing at the playground that Lincoln and the guys had built for her. One of her friends were here. His name were Caleb. At kindergarten they had decided to get married when they get older. When I heard that I couldn't help but start laughing at how cute they are.
Our friends, Bellamy and I were sitting on the pation talking and watching the kids if they are getting hurt. I have been talking with Bellamy for a while how we are going to do with kids. We have decided on trying to have children with the help of a surrogate. 

-What is it you wanted to talk to us about? Monty asks. 
-Well, you know how Bellamy and I want kids? We have decided on starting one really soon. We can't wait any longer. I really want to be a mother and Bellamy a father. We want one kid of our own. We are going to use a surrogate. I said. 
-Oh oh oh! Can I be your surrogate? Octavia said jumping up and down on the chair that she were sitting on. 
-That's what we wanted to talk to you about. I started. 
-We have talked and together we decided to ask Harper to be our surrogate. I said.

-WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? No offence Harper. Why not me? Octavia asked. 
-We were considering you O. But wouldn't it be a little weird for you to carry my child? You are my little sister. Bellamy said.
-I see your point. But couldn't you at least have talked to me about this? Get my opinion of who you could use as a surrogate? Octavia asked.

-They were considering you O. Don't forget that. Monty said. 
-To the more important thing. Would you Harper want to do the honor of being our surrogate? You can think about it for a while. But if you don't feel comfortable we can ask someone else. Bellamy said. 

-Well since I'm single and won't have kids in a few years and I love you guys. I can't say no to that offer. I'm in. I will do the honor of being the surrogate to bring a little Bellarke baby into the world. Harper said. Bellamy and I had the biggest smilies on our lips. I can't believe that we are finally going to be parents. This is so amazing. I'm on cloud nine now. 
-That's were you come in O. We would want you to be the godmother to our child. And for Lincoln to be the godfather. What do you guys say? I asked. 

-OMG! That's even better! I can't believe that I'm going to have a goddaughter. How amazing isn't this day guys? Octavia said. 
-We feel a little left our guys. Raven said. 
-Don't worry. We have decided on having one kid at first. We will probably have more. Well, we are going to have more children than one. Bellamy said. 
-Bellamy wants a whole basketball team. I said and everyone laughed. This is an amazing day after all. 

-Good morning princess. Bellamy said and kissed me. I then broke the kiss and rolled over so that I were laying on my stomach. I smiled at Bellamy and peaked his lips. I can't believe that we are officially going to be parents. Of course that's going to be in a year. Still I can't wait.
-I'm happy Bell. I said. I actually am truly happy. 
-So am I princess. So am I. You and I are going to have a child. Our own child that we are going to be raising together. It's amazing how in love I am with you Clarke Griffin. What are you most excited about. Having a girl or a boy? Bellamy said. 

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