Chapter eighteen

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Clarke's POV:
It's afternoon on a saturday when Samuel asks if we can start painting his room. They have been here for almost two weeks now. Obviously I tell him that it's a great idea. Bellamy and I think that it's a great way to bond. I agree with him.
-You can paint that wall with the dark shades of blue. And I will start on the spaceship. Then if you want to you can help me paint the ship? I suggested. I started to sketch the spaceship and comets that we were going to have. Since Kensi is a little younger it has been easier to bond with her. It takes time and patient. Which I'm all for so that they can feel like they trust us.

-There's my sister? He asks.
-With Bellamy and the twins. They took the car to the grocery store. We need groceries so that Bell can make dinner for all of us. I told Samuel.
-Promise me nothing will happen to my sister. That she will be safe now when I'm not there. Samuel said.

-You remind me so much of Bellamy. Do you remember Octavia who is Bellamy's little sister? Since you are a part of our family you have all the right to know about our family. O and Bell are half siblings and neither of them knows who their fathers is. Anyhow Bell was told by his mother that "Your sister, your responsibility". He never broke that promise. Even today he is still as protective over his little sister as he were then they were younger. Just like you are over Kensi. we shall never take family for granted. And when she got into her teenages years she started to become a little rebellious. Bellamy were still always there for her. You and your little sister are our family. We will protect you like our own children because to us we care a lot about you two. Never forget that. I said. A little smile appeared on his face.

-Let's get started on the room. I said. After twenty minutes we heard the front door open and close, then open and close again. Then we could hear noises from the kitchen and small people running up the stairs.
-We're back. Jessica said then she ran out of the room again.
-Colors and paint! Can we paint? Haley asks as she and Kensi enters the room.
-We're doing my room. It's going to look like you're in space. Samuel told Haley and Kensi.

-Where's Bell? I ask them.
-Kitchen. Haley answered. I nod and walk out of the room and down to the kitchen.

-Hey princess. Bellamy says and greets me with a kiss on the lips.
-What did you guys bought? Because those three little girls seems to have a little to much energy in them. I said with a smirk.

-Oh, you know nothing really. They got ice cream after we bought groceries. It's hard having three daughters running around in the grocery store when your beautiful wife isn't with you. Bellamy said as he were unpacking the groceries.

-We are going to have to get used to this. We have four beautiful children now. Enjoy this time. Soon you are going to have three teenage daughters and a son. That will be the hard part of parenting. I said and kissed him.

-I think that we got a very beautiful family. Bellamy said.
-Indeed we have. I said. Then we heard something falling down and other noises on the upper lever of the house. I told Bellamy to get started on the dinner soon as I were going up to check what was going on.

I walked into the guest room that now is turning into Samuel's room. In there were he, Kensi and Haley. Both Kensi and Haley had colors of blue with paint on there hand and clothes. I let out a sight before I laughed. This is how a daily routine of my life is going to be like. It's perfect.
Not only were there clothes and hands covered in the blue paint. But they had touched one of the walls and put paint on there. I looked at Samuel who didn't seem really seem to care that they had painted one of the walls with their own hands in his room.

-They asked if they could help and I told them that it's okay. I don't really mind. But I still want the spaceship that you are working on and the comets. He said with a smile. This family is already perfect. All the kids are going to get along really well. I called for Jessica who came running into the room. She helped the girls paint on the wall that they got.
-The room looks great guys. Bellamy said as he leaned on the doorframe. Haley and Kensi had managed to get their faces blue with paint.
-I want to save this moment. Take a picture. I told Bellamy.
-Already done that. He said and kissed the top of my head.

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