Chapter thirty two

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Clarke's POV:
It's been a month since Jessica came out to us and the rest of our family and friends. And a months since she made the track team. Tonight is the first time she's going to compete. The whole family including Aurora, Octavia, Lincoln and Miller tagged along. We wanted her to feel supported. 
-Do you have everything sweetheart? I ask Jessica. She runs down the stairs with her gymbag. 
-Everything is ready. Sam promised to give me a ride there. Kensi is going with us too. So he and Sam is meeting you up there. Also, Cara promised to show up so you have to be nice to her. Okay? Jessica says. 
-Of course. We're are we meeting her? I ask. 
-At the tunnels. Alec knows there it is at. So you can just follow him. Jessica says. 
-Jess, Jess, don't forget your good luck hug. Odette says as she stumbles down the stairs, Alec walking behind her. 
-Of course, I wouldn't leave without my good luck hug from my favorite sister. I say as I pick Odette up. 
-Hey! I heard that Jess! Haley says before she laughs and tells her sister good luck. 
-Everyone knows that Odette is everyone's favorite sibling. Alec says with a smile. 
-She loves you because you like to bribe and spoil her, son. Bellamy says and we all fall into a fit of laughter. 
-That's mean but very much true. I'm your favorite sibling, isn't that right? Alec says as he grabs Odette from Jessica's arms. Odette is in her own little world but lets out a quiet yes. 
-You guys should leave now. We'll be standing at the bleachers. Bellamy says, planting a kiss on Jessica's forehead. Bellamy gives Sam the car keys.  
-You all spoil her to much. Now we are going to get ready for you sister to compete, won't we darling? I say to my youngest daughter as I grab Odette from Alec. 

A while later everyone is gathered at the tracks. We're all sitting at the bleachers so that we can have a good view at when Jessica is running. Jessica will be running three races. 60, 200 and 400 meters each. I think that she could our run everyone in our family if she wanted to.

I'm very proud of all my children and what they have achieved.

Jessica won each and every race that she ran that afternoon. We all went out to eat ice cream to celebrate her. 


Later that evening, when all everyone has fallen asleep, Bellamy and I are laying in our bed just talking with each other. There's a movie on the tv but neither one of us is paying any attention to it. I'm not even sure what movie it is. Not that it matters really. 

-What's on your mind darling? Bellamy asks.
-I thought that we could get a little frisky tonight? It's been a long time since we've done something. Don't you think? I say as I lean up to kiss Bellamy.
-Clarke, as much I would love doing this, there's six children in the house. They could hear and we both know that  you're loud. Bellamy says even though that's the answer I get from him, there's a smug smile playing on his lips.
-It's way past midnight so we better make it fast?  I say as I straddle Bellamy. His hands are placed on my hips. 
-Try not to make any noises. Bellamy says.
-I'll try. 


The next morning everyone is gathered at the diningtable as we're all eating breakfast together. We decide who's going to carpool with who and what everyone has planned after school and work. It's a rather nice and peaceful breakfast, like usual, until Odette ask something. 
-Mama, why did you yell for dad last night? Odette asks and the room goes dead silence. 
-She's a light sleeper and her room is right next to yours. Sam says. Kensi slaps him at the back of his head. 
-I don't know what you're talking about. Does someone want more bread? I ask as I try my best to change the conversation. 
-Auntie O says if I hear weird noises from you I should call her so that she can pick me up. But it was dark outside and I have no phone. Odette says all innocent. 
-You're just a kid. Of course you don't have a phone. Alec says.
-I'm a big girl! Odette protests.
-You're not even five years old. Alec says.
-Stop being mean, you meanie. Odette says.
-Shall we go and get you ready for school? Haley asks her. Odette nods. Haley drags her out of the diningroom. 

This most be the most awkward breakfast conversation I have ever had to witness. 

-Didn't I tell you that you're loud? Bellamy asks as he walks into the kitchen with me. 
-You could have stopped it last night. It's not internally my fault mister. I say as I put some of the plates in the dishwasher.
-Very true. Bellamy says.
-I'm going to call Octavia later and have a little chat with her. I need to know what she told Odette. I'm literally mortified. I say as we walk into the diningroom again there our children are still sitting and eating their breakfast. Haley and Odette are obviously not there. 
-You do that honey. I bet my sister will laugh when she hears about this. Bellamy says. 
-I'm not going to tell her about last night. I will only ask her what she told Odette. 
-Okay. Bellamy says as he kisses me on the cheek. 


-Mama, when we get home from school today can we paint my room? I don't want pink walls anymore. Odette says before I leave her at school. 
-Of course we can. What colors do you want your room to be? I ask her.
-What about a rainbow? Or maybe green walls? I want a big girl room because I'm not little anymore. I'm five soon. No little girl like Alec says. He's mean when he says that to me. Maybe a theme in my room? The others got to choose a theme. Didn't they? Odette asks as I follow her through the hallways at school.
-I will talk to your brother and tell him that he shouldn't pick on you for being younger. And when it comes to your room. you can have whatever you want sweetheart. We'll go to the store later today to pick out colors and stuff that you want. How does that sound? I ask my daughter.
-Perfect. Thanks mama. You're the best. Odette says as she runs away to say good morning to her teacher. 
-Have a good day sweetheart. I say. 

After dropping of Odette I drive to Bellamy's work place since he forgot his lunch at home. He has gotten a promotion at his new work and now has his own office. I stay for a while to talk with him before I have to leave again to go to my own work. I'm started to get exhausted and the day has hardly started.

A few hours later, I pick up Odette and we're heading to the store to buy paint and such things as I promised her we would do. I think that through the years I've most definitly been spoiling my children. If they ask for something, the get it. But they also know that you can't take things, life and others for granted. 

When we get home, Sam and Alec are already home. Odette tells them what we're going to do and they offers to help repaint Odette's room. It's really fun that we can do these things together. When we have finished one wall, Bellamy comes home and he starts helping us to. 

-You know, we've repainted and each and every room that our children has had. Never have we done anything with ours. Bellamy says. 
-That can be our next project. Or what do you think? I really think that we are in need of some new furnitures too. How long have we had that bed of ours? I say. 
-Since we moved into the house. Bellamy says. 
-Then it settled, when we redo our bedroom we're getting new furnitures. 

-Mama, can you turn around? I hear Odette saying behind me. Just as I do that I can feel wet paint dripping down from my head to the floor. Odette is laughing hysterically. Alec had her in his arms and lifted her up above me so that she were able to pour the paint on me. Alec and Sam couldn't help themselves too as they fell into a fit of laughter too.
-You look beautiful in pink. Odette says. I look at my family and I can't help but start laughing too. I could never be mad at them. As long as they are happy and healthy that's all that matter.
-As fun as that was, you better clean this up. I'm going to take a shower now. I say before I leave the room. Bellamy follows me into the bathroom and offers to help me get the paint out of my hair. 

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