Chapter fourteen

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Clarke's POV:
It has been a hectic year. I have loved every moment with my children and Bellamy. Even those evenings and nights when Jessica and Haley keep us up all night long and I didn't get enough sleep. Their first year has gone by so fast. Haley is walking already. Jessica tries but she always falls. She loves to try walking when Bellamy and I aren't in the room. They can never sit still. It's surreal how alike their father they are. Bell says that it's 'The Blake genes'. I won't argue with him about that. It's true. I think that Bellamy and I have been raising our children pretty good. It's hard to have one child. One child is like one. And two is like ten children. But I love both my daughters. They are a blessing from heaven. So precious and adorable.
few months ago Bell and I had found out from Murphy that our friends had made a bet if we were going to have a baby girl or baby boy. Bell had been really upset about this bet. I told him that the bet that they had didn't matter because we have two beautiful children. And that Murphy and the gang all lost since we had twins. Correctly since Harper gave birth to our twins.
The doorbell rang and in came Harper and Raven. They didn't even bother waiting for someone to open. They never do if the door is unlocked.
-Did someone ask for a babysitter? Harper said.

-No, we haven't? I said confused.
-Princess, I am the one who asked Raven and Harper to babysit the girls tonight. You and I are going out on a date tonight. Bellamy said and placed a kiss on the top of my head.
-But we had plans. You, me and the kids. I said.

-You and I have plans princess. Our friends are here to babysit. You deserve a night out. Bellamy said. Then the door opened again and in came Octavia with Aurora.

-And I'm here to help you get you ready for a romantic night out with my big brother. You two really deserve to have fun. Go out and be wild for a night. Jess and Haley is going to be here when you get back tonight. Octavia said. At first I were a little unsure about this whole thing. But Octavia dragged me up to the bathroom to start doing my make-up. I wanted to protest with all the make-up and whatever more she has in her mind. But I know that that isn't an opinion. Octavia had a dress with her that apparently is for me. She showed the dress to me. It was the black short dress that shows too much cleavage for my liking. I remember that Bellamy liked it but that he didn't really approve of me wearing when we went out. I questioned Octavia on the choosed of dress.
-You are still going to look sexy in this dress Clarke. I also choosed this one for you because Bellamy likes it. Guys and girls are going to be jealous of Bellamy because he has a chick by his side. You can still rock this look. As you can see I didn't use much make-up on you. I know that my brother loves your natural look. You look both sexy and beautiful Clarke. Octavia said and hugged me.
-You are the one who is getting married in a week and here you are helping me with my hair, dress and make-up. You should be focusing on your upcoming wedding O. I said.

-I always got time for you and my brother. Lincoln and I have everything ready for the wedding. Everything is going to be absolutely amazing and I can't wait until next friday. It's going to be so lit and lovely. A day that I will always savor. Anyhow I'm done with your hair and make-up. You just have to get dressed. I got black high heels for you too. It will match your dress.
Five minutes later I walk down the staircase. I can hear Harper and Aurora in the kitchen. I think that they are cooking dinner for everyone. A Lot of noise comes from the kitchen. Someone is dropping a bowl or something on the floor. I can hear it. Octavia had walked down before me.
-You look absolutely stunning and beautiful princess. Those curves in that dress. Bellamy said and kissed me. I did something that I usually never do. I twirled two times and giggled.
-There's no curfew for you guys. Just don't get into much trouble tonight. It's a romantic date night for you. Octavia said and smirked.
-We're adults O. Bellamy said and gave her a look telling her to shut it.

-Whatever. Get out now. Octavia said as she pushed us out of our own house.

Bellamy drove us first to an mexican restaurant there Octavia had booked a table for us. Obviously we ordered mexican food. Bellamy and I sat and talked for an hour as we ate our dinner. We talked about practically everything. Except work since Octavia told us not to. I don't even know why we are listening to her. Then the dessert came I were almost completely full of food we had just eaten. I do not know if I will be able to eat all the dessert. Half through the desset I had to go to the ladies room. And then I came back five minutes later, Bellamy had eaten up my dessert. He looked a little guilty with a smirk on his lips. This time I gave him a look but he only laughted at me.
-Princess, I were still hungry and you could barely eat up the last of the dessert. I did you a favor. Bellamy said and took my hand in his as we intertwined our hands.

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