Chapter thirty

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Clarke's POV:
Octavia, Lincoln and Aurora were over at our place. Bellamy and I were going out on a date. It's been a long time since we had a night out for ourselves. Without the kids. Especially since I have been hospitalized for many weeks, us re-newing our vows, celebrating Lincoln's birthday at our house. We were supposed to be at his and Octavia's place. When had invited everyone Octavia realized that everyone wouldn't fit in their house. Many people from Lincoln's side of his family came, our family and friends, work friends of Lincoln's. And many other people that I didn't know. Since we have a pretty big house Octavia decided to have the party at ours. Without even asking! She said that 'it's a last minute thing' . She didn't realize earlier how many they actually would be. 
As I walked down the stairs I saw everyone waiting for me. Everyone were smiling. Last week I had been out shopping with Octavia. We found a really beautiful gown for me. It was a black mermaid evening dress. It fit my body perfectly. It wasn't exactly a date night. One of Bellamy's friends from work has invited us to an event. Apparently his colleague's wife worked for some fancy company which often had different events. I realize now that I'm not exactly sure what it really is. I never paid much attention to what was being said. I was just really looking forward this night.
-Princess, you look so beautiful. Bellamy says and kisses me on the cheek. 
-You're beautiful mama. Kensi says. 
-Thank you sweetie. I say and hug her. 
-Don't get yourselves into to much trouble. Okay? Lincoln says. Bellamy rolls his eyes and I just laugh. 
-You know we can never promise anything like that. I say. Bellamy take my hand in his and we leave the house before anyone gets that chance to say anything else. Ugh, our children are to grown up to understand what we're talking about. I wish that they could stay young forever. I know that's impossible. However they are always going to be mine and Bellamy's little babies no matter how old they are. 
Bellamy opened the car door for me and closed it after I sat down on the passangerseat. He run around the car and hopped into the drivers seat. 
-You really look handsome in a tuxedo. I say and lean in for a kiss.  
-Maybe I should wear a tux more often then? Bellamy says with a smirk.
-Just drive Bell. I say and Bellamy smirks as we pull out of the driveway. About twenty minutes later we arrived at a big mansion. I didn't exactly know were this event were going to be held. But damn, the choose a very beautiful place.

Throuout the evening, Bellamy's colleague introduced us to different people.

With the though of everything that we've gone through lately, this was nice. I've had a great evening that we both enjoyed. In all honesty, I've missed this a little. To be carefree and not obligated taking care of everything and everyone. I know it's only for a night. But still.
-Are you having a good time? Bellamy asks, leaning down to plant a kiss on my cheek.
-Yeah, I do. I'm a little tired though. Bell, don't give me that look. I'm fine. I don't need to rest. I say. Despite that I've been cancer free for a while now, Bellamy still worries a lot about me. He's very sweet.
-Are you sure? He asks a bit spectical.
-Yeah, I'm sure. I'll prove it to you. Dance with me. I say, dragging Bellamy out to the ballrooms dance floor. There a few other couples are dancing.
-Thanks Clarke. Bellamy says, kissing me as we're slowly dancing.
-What for? I ask a bit confused.
-You know, for not dying on me. I don't know how I would keep living without you if you ever did pass away. I hate thinking about it. Bellamy says.
-You would still have our beautiful children. I remind him and Bellamy smiles.
-That's very true. Don't get me wrong. I do love them hell of a lot. I love them all and you unconditionally. You're the love of my life and I don't think that I could ever love anyone as much as I love you. Bellamy says and it brings happy tears to my eyes.
-Happy tears. I whisper, smiling at Bellamy.
-I'm starting to get a bit tired. I say after a while.
-Let's get you home then princess. Bellamy says, leading me of the dance floor.

We say goodbye to a few people before we're heading back home. It's almost midnight.
When we enter out house it's almost to quiet despite how much the clock is. Knowing Octavia and how grown up the kids are, Bellamy and I being away. I would have thought that they would still be up by now. Which I in general wouldn't like. Once in a while it would be okay for them to be up really late, right?
We enter the livingroom and a smile forms on my lips. Octavia, Lincoln, Aurora and all our children are passed out on the sofa and mattresses that I guess they have brought from their own rooms. This is just to cute.
-Let's go to bed princess. Bellamy says and I follow him upstairs.

-What is it that smells so good? I hear a voice entering the kitchen.
-Bell's making pancakes for everyone. What did you guys do yesterday? I ask Octavia who sits down at the table, Odette is in her arms. I hop down from the kitchen counter there Bellamy is making pancakes. I sit down next to Octavia at the kitchen table.
-We watched movies, ordered pizza, built a fort. They might be teenagers but Odette wanted us to help her build a fort, so we did. Octavia explains.
-Built a fort. Odette says and starts giggling.
-Was it fun? I ask my youngest daughter.
-Yes. She says hsppily. Bellamy puts two plates with pancakes in front of Octavia. One for her and another for Odette.
-Table manners Odette. Bellamy says as she starts eating with her hands. Octavia takes a bit of her pancakes and then she starts feeding herself and Odette.
-Yummy. Odette says and I give her a warm smile.
-This tasted good Bell. Octavia tells her brother. Five minutes later, one after one of our kids enters the kitchen and everyone is trying to tell another story from yesterday as Bellamy continues making pancakes for everyone.
-Go and rest princess. You're always beautiful but it looks like you are about to pass out from sleep deprivation. We were up late last night. Bellamy says after I finish my third pancake.
-I just want to enjoy this moment Bell. I whisper.
-Doing the dirty, if you catch my drift. Octavia says, winking at me. Bellamy gives her a stern look in disappointment.
-Sorry. Octavia says and continues another converation with Alec and Sam.
Five minutes later I end up in my bed from sleep deprivation. And another ten minutes later I feel Bellamy wrapping me in his arms as he lies down next to me.

Octavia's POV:
Lincoln helps me clean up the kitchen after everyone has finished breakfast and Bellamy taking care of Clarke. We all know that she's cancer free now but we're all still worried about her.
She still gets tired really easily and she doesn't have the same enery as she used to.
-Auntie O, is mama really okay? Haley asks. I'm taken aback by the question. I know that they would never directly ask Clarke that question.
-Yes. I say.
-Please don't lie to us. We're not little kids anymore. Well, Odette is. Jessica says. Kensi grabs Odette from the kitchen floor there she's playing with her dolls. All the kids, including my daughter and Lincoln is gathered in the kitchen.
-Yes and no. You all know that she's cancer free and that's super great and all. Despite that I don't think she will ever fully recover. Your mother doesn't like talking about this matter. So I'm a bit in the dark too. She gets easily tired and she was out late last night and didn't get a lot of sleep. She only talks to your dad about this these days so this is the only things I know since Bell told me. I explain.
-You know what. Me and O will take you all out today so that Clarke can rest for a while. Lincoln says.
-What do you want to do first? I ask them. They all suggests different things and I think that we're going to have another great day together.
I walk upstairs and lightly knock on their bedrooms door. I hear Bellamy's voice telling me that I can walk in.
-Is everything alright O? Bellamy asks.
-Of course. Lincoln and I will take the kids out for the day. I say.
-You don't have to O. They are my kids. I can take care of them. Bellamy says.
-I know you can. I'm not questioning that. We will take them for the day so Clarke can rest and you'll be there for her. We can drop them of in a few hours. I say.
-Thanks O. Bellamy says.
-How is she? I ask.
-She's good. You don't have to worry O. I'm taking care of her. Bellamy says.
-Okay, great. We'll see you guys later. I say.
-You're a great sister O. Bellamy says before I close the bedroom door smiling for myself.

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