Chapter thirty one

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Clarke's POV:
I woke up in an empty bed. Huh, I wonder where Bellamy is. I'm always the one who wakes up first. I get out out of bed and dress myself before I open the bedroom door. As I walk downstair I hear voices, people who are laughing, bickering and talking over each other. My dear family. 

I walk into the kitchen there Alec and Sam are preparing breakfast, Odette is sitting in Jessica's lap. Haley and Kenzi is bickering about something that I can't quite make out. And then there's my dear husband who's sitting at the table with a smile on his lips as he's reading the newspaper. 

-Good morning mama. Jess says as I enter the kitchen. I give her a warm smile and a 'good morning' before I sit down next to Bellamy at the kitchen table. Odette's face lits up when she sees me. Odette stumbles over to me and I lift her up, placing her in my lap. 
-Odette is hungry. Odette says and I laugh at her cuteness as she talks about herself in third person. 
-You'll soon get breakfast. Sam says as he places two sandwitches on a plate infront of me. 
-One for mama and one of you. Alec says.
-Why did no one wake me? I whisper to Bellamy as I take a bit out of my sandwitch. 
-We wanted you to sleep in today. Get some extra sleep. We thought that it's been a long time since we did something fun. All eight of us together. Bellamy says. 
-I would love that. Who came up with the idea? I ask then I take another bite out of my sandwitch. 
-Mine. Says Haley as she grabs. 
-So what are we going to do today? I ask. 
-We're going to the park and having a family picnic. Sam tells me. 
-Aren't you a little to old for having a picnic in the park with your family? I joke and Sam rolls his eyes. So does Alec who's a little older then Sam.
-Maybe, but I love spending time with my family. Sam says all cheeky. 
-Jess, can you help finishing up the rest of the sandwitches? Alec asks his sister. 
-Why not. You're slow anyway. She says before she starts laughing. Alec lightly pushes Jessica in the side. 
-No fighting. Bellamy says. 
-We're not dad. He couldn't beat me anyway. Jessica says, smirking at her big brother. 
-Of course I could. Alec says. 
-Hey! You might be stronger, but I'm faster. Therefore I could out run you. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. I made the track team yesterday. Apparently I'm one of the fastest in my grade and the coach was pretty impressed. I were even able to outrun a few guys. Jessica says proudly of herself. 
-That's amazing sweetie. We're very proud of you. Bellamy says and I agree. 
-We should get something to celebrate you with. Kensi says. 
-Ice cream. Odette says. Her face lits up as she mentions ice cream. She loves ice cream. She believes it cures everything.
-That sounds great. Kensi says. 
-I'll just go take a shower. Congratulations again sweetie. I say as I hug my daughter. 


We're finally at one of the parks that we usually take Odette to. Kensi and Jessica are at the swings as they are pushing Odette on the swing. We can hear Odette laughing like a maniac while trying to tell her two sisters to push her higher up in the air. And then there's Haley who is taking pictures of them. 
-I  was thinking, maybe we should do something for Jess since she made the track team. What do you say? Bellamy says. I lean into him, laying my head on his shoulder as Bellamy wraps an arm around me. 
-Of course, that's a great idea Bell. What exactly do you have in mind? I ask him. 
-I haven't figured that out yet. Alec, Sam, come here for a moment please. Bellamy says to our two sons. 
-What's up dad? Sam asks. 
-Do you have something in mind that we can buy your sister for making the track team? Bellamy asks them. 
-Maybe a new set of shoes? I mean if she's going to be running she sure needs a new pair. The one's she has now isn't exactly to best. Go to the mall, the three of you, and let her pick our a pair on her own. I know that would make her happy. Alec says. 
-That's actually a great idea. Thanks son. Bellamy says. 
-Would it be okay if my girlfriend came to family dinner tonight? Alec says, scratching the back of his head. 
-Of course, you don't have to ask. Brianna is always welcome. I say. 
-Erm, it's actually not Bri, we broke up a while ago. I got a new girlfriend who's named Felicity. Alec says. 
-Oh, okay. Well, we would love to meet her. I say. 
-What your mother said. Why haven't you told us this before? Bellamy asks. 
-I guess you had a lot of your plate and I just didn't want to talk about it. Honesty, it was hard at first. It started as a rebound. Felicity were aware of it. But I feel in love with her pretty fast. We've been together for a while now. Alec says. 
-I'm not exactly happy that you used another girl as a rebound, but if she makes you happy then I'm very happy for you son. Bellamy says. 
-Told you they would be okay with it. Sam says, slapping his older brother on the back of his head. 
-Hey! No violence. I say. 
-Fine, fine. Good for you for finally telling the truth bro. Sam tells Alec. 
-Go get your sisters now. Tell them that we can eat now. Both of them got up from the ground and walked over to the playground there our four daughters were at. 


The next day, Bellamy and I took Jessica to the mall. She was so happy then we told her that she could buy whatever she wanted as long as it's not to expensive. I mean, we're a family of eight who's been living on Bellamy's salary for many months. 
-I got great news yesterday. I meant to tell you but we were so busy. My doctor called and I'm finally cleared to start working again. It makes me really happy and I can finally start helping out more financially now. Isn't that great? I say with happiness. Bellamy stops walking. 
-Really? I'm so happy for you princess. Bellamy says, leaning down to kiss me deeply. 
-Excuse me? We're in a store guys. Please don't do that infront of me. Jessica says. Bellamy and I pull away and I can feel myself blushing. 
-So, have you found any shoes that you like? Bellamy asks. 
-I can't decided between these two. Jessica says, showing us two different pairs. I look at Bellamy and he looks at me in understanding. I take a deep breath. 
-You can have both. Bellamy and I say in union. 
-Really? Are you sure. I'm okay with just one pair. Jessica says. 
-Sweetheart, we're sure. Here's my card, you can go and pay for them. Bellamy says. I don't think I've seen her this happy in ages. 
-I love you guys so so much. You're the best. Jessica says before she leaves to go and pay for the new shoes.
-I could never say no to that smile. Bellamy says, looking ahead at this daughter. 
-You know what, our kids might be teenagers and young adults, but you still got your daughters wrapped around your finger. I say with a bright smile. 
-I would do anything for our daughters and sons. All that matters is that they are happy and healthy. Bellamy says. 
-You're right about that. I say. 


-Mum, dad, could I talk with you for a second. Jessica says as we hop into the car. 
-What is it sweetie? Bellamy asks. 
-You know how Alec has started dating? Jessica starts of. 
-Please don't tell me that he knocked up his new girlfriend. Please don't say that or you're going to give your dad a heart attack. Bellamy says as he's starting to panic. Jessica only starts to laugh. 
-Felicity isn't knocked up. She's a lovely girl and from the information I've gathered she wants to finish college before starting a family. Jessica says after she stops laughing. 
-Okay, that's good to hear. Bellamy says. 
-She might be pregnant or not. What do I know. I do know that mama is suppling them with condoms. Jessica says as she's starting to laugh again. 
-Omg, this is to much information for me to deal with.  Bellamy says. 
-Bell, take deep breaths. Alec is a young adult. You seriously don't think he would wait until he gets married, right? I say. 
-No? I'm not planning on becoming a grandfather in a year. We will always support our children. Wait, we're getting of track with what we were talking about. Plus this is a disccusion that I need to have with my son. Not you, young lady. Bellamy says. 
-You know what. Never mind. We don't have to talk about it. Jessica says. 
-Are you dating someone? Bellamy asks. He's finally calmed down. 
-Yeah, I am. Jessica says. 
-That's great honey. I say. I can see that she's panicking a little. 
-Yeah sweetheart, we're happy for you. Bellamy says. I give Bellamy a look. We're both thinking the same thing. The talk.
-We should have the talk now. I say. Jessica starts to blush. 
-Don't worry. I won't get knocked up. I'm careful. Jessica says. 
-You're a good girl Jess, but we should still talk. I say. 
-He's not a he. The he is a she. I'm dating a girl. Jessica says really fast. 
-Okay. What's her name? I ask. 
-Just like that, you're okay with it? Jessica asks surprised. 
-Of course sweetheart. In all forms, love is love, and you should get to love and be whoever you want to be. Your dad and I are always going to support and love you no matter what. Don't forget that you're uncle Miller is together with Bryan. So if you don't feel comfortable talking to us about it, you can always talk to your uncle. I say. 
-Would you like to tell us about her? Bellamy asks. 
-Thank you so much. I don't know what I was scared of. You're seriously the best parents. Okay, her name is Cara and she's really nice and kind to me. And she's a year older than me. Oh, she would love to meet you guys too. But she's a bit scared since I didn't know how you would react. But now, it's going to be perfect. First I get a girlfriend, then I make the track team and you're happy for me. I'm so happy right now. Jessica says. 
-And that's all we want you and your siblings to be. Happy and healthy. I say. 
-She's right. Bellamy says. 

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