Chapter five

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Clarke's POV:
It has been six whole months since the accident. Things has changed. Thanks to Bellamy I have fully gotten over my fear of driving a car. Bellamy got a job as a history teacher in middle school. Miller broke up with his boyfriend Bryan. No one knows the reason why. When Monty isn't at college, he spends time in the hospital waiting for Jasper to wake up. The doctors says that nothing has changed when we ask for an update on Jasper.
Murphy and Raven decided to rent an apartment together. They were like 'Financially speaking it's better to live together.' This lead to Lincoln and Octavia moved in together.
Bellamy had a little hard time with this at first. He got over it pretty fast. I didn't want to live alone so Bellamy is currently living with me. Every morning I wake up to the smell of homecooking breakfast. Then he wakes me up. We eat breakfast together before he leaves for work. That's pretty much have the past month has been like.

Summer vacation was over and the new semester of school had started three months ago. That means that Bellamy has been teaching in middle school for three months now. I had just gotten home from a long day at college. I can't wait until next year when I graduate from college. I walked into my room and threw my bag onto my bed before I changed into more comfortable clothes. I decided on a hoodie and a pair of shorts. Then I braided my hair.
After doing that I walked out of my room, entered the kitchen and decided on cooking a homemade meal. Bellamy is always so sweet when he prepares breakfast for him. So I wanted to do something nice for him. Just for a change. I want to surprise Bellamy. But in all honesty, I'm not really good when it comes to cooking. Let's just hope that Bellamy will like it.
Forty five minutes later the door to my apartment opened and in came Bellamy. He seems tired after a long day at work. No one can blame him really. When Bellamy walked into the kitchen and saw me cooking he was a little surprised. I ordered him to sit down at the table. I had done spaghetti and bolognese. It might seem a little creepy. But I looked at Bellamy as he tasted the food that I just made. Hopefully it's good.
-So? I asked.
-Not to bad. Bellamy said and smiled.
-Spaghetti is easy doing. I thought that I would fail doing the bolognese. I admitted.
-It will be better next time. Bellamy said. -No, I'm not doing bolognese again. Yours is much better. I think that spaghetti and bolognese is one of your specialities. I said. Bellamy didn't reply. Instead we sat in silence and kept eating. It's nice. After the dinner Bellamy cleaned the table and I put everything in the dishwasher. I was going to and call Monty.
Bellamy gently grabbed me by my arm. I looked at him weirdly. He didn't say anything. Instead we walked over to the sofa. We sat down on each side of the sofa.
-I've been thinking a lot these past months. I have come to a realization. Well, a few months ago. That's not the point. Then I got that phone call from the hospital I could barely breath. The though of losing you scared the living life out of me. I can't live without you. You are literally the center of my life. I need you. We say that we love each other. It's true, I do love you. But not only do I love you. I'm in love with you princess. Even if you don't feel the same, I just had to tell you. Life is to short you know. Bellamy said. I know how I feel. But I don't know how to speak. Instead of talking I decided to show Bellamy how I feel with actions. So I got a little closer to him. I thought that I would be nervous. I'm not. I looked into his beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. Not wanting to waist another minute, I kissed him. At first it was gentle and soft. As fast as Bellamy realized what was going on, he kissed me back and the kiss got more passionated and rough yet loving.
-That was perfect. I said as we pulled apart.
-I've been wanting to do that for a while princess. Bellamy said and lightly kissed my cheek. I leaned in again, but instead of kissing Bellamy, I laid my head on his chest and made myself comfortable on the sofa.

-So tell me princess, when did you realize that you liked me? Bellamy asked.
-When you got together with Gina. Our friends saw me all depressed and said that I was jealous. I denied it. I guess that they were right after all. I was so jealous at Gina that it almost drove me crazy. I once had a thought about breaking you two up. You were happy so I didn't try to break you and Gina up. I admitted. I want to be totally honest with Bellamy and not lie.
-That night when she and I broke up, I saw you with Wells. I got jealous. Thank god you two are only friends. I would have gone crazy. Bellamy said.
-Remember what you told me the day after? Or was it the same night? About me and you. I said.
-I probably said alot. But I think that you mean that part when I said that the only kids you are going to have is mine? Bellamy questioned me.
-Exactly. Did you mean it? I asked.
-At first I might have said that out of jealousy. But now? I defenatly want your kids. Bellamy said. He started to brush his fingers through my hair and I was loving the feeling of it.
-I would want to be in a relationship with the person that I'm going to have kids with. I said.

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