Chapter seventeen

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Clarke's POV:
It's been a year since Bellamy and I decided on adopting a child. We had been so grateful when we got Jessica and Haley. We love out children but since we decided on expanding our family we wanted to do it in another way.

We had gotten in contact with an adoption agency. For us it had taken a four months before we had been approved to adopt. Bellamy and I had gone visiting a foster care in Indiana. I had been a little nervous. Bellamy had grabbed my hand and we walked in together and all the nervosity disappeared. After that so much happened. Originally we were planning on adopting one child. That's not how it turned out. I had picked up a child from the floor who were only three years old. As Bellamy were talking to one of the women who worked at the foster care I knew that I were holding our newest member of our family. Her name was Kensi. 
What I wasn't expecting then was one of the women there telling us that she has a brother. His name was Samuel and he's eight years old. There were no way in hell that either Bellamy or I were going to seperate us. So here we are, a year later, and ready to be a family of five. 

Samuel is a quiet kid who's very protective over his little sister. He would do anything so that he and his sister wouldn't get separated in the foster care. He might not be our biological son. In that way he's a lot like Bellamy. Kensi is full of life and loves to do everything. She laughs alot and I think that she's going to get along with Jessica and Haley. Now we have an eight years old son, two twins who are five years old. Last but not least Kensi who's now the youngest. 
Samuel is still very cautious and intelligent. But he doesn't talk to much with us. I'm okay with that because they have only been here for seven days. It will take some time for them to adjust in this new home. He spends a lot of time alone in his room.
Our friends wanted to meet the newest members of our family. We have told them that it's not the right time and it won't be for a while. They understand that which is good. Then time is right we will introduce them to our friend and family.

Haley and Jessica are still going to kindergarten. Meanwhile Bellamy has taken two weeks absence from his job and I have taken three. We are going to sign them into a kindergarten and school too. But we feel like they should settle down and getting used to their new home. 
-Jess, can you go and get your siblings? Tell them that dinner is ready. Bellamy said when Jessica walked into the kitchen.

-Okay. She said and skipped out of the kitchen to get her siblings to the dinner table. I carried the food to the diningroom as Bellamy finished up the last in the kitchen. I think that everything is going to be okay. 
-How long are we going to be here? Samuel asks as we are half way through dinner. I almost choked on my food. I looked at him and I could see the hurt and sadness in his eyes. 

-What do you mean? Bellamy asks kindly. 

-Me and Kensi has been moved around into foster homes before. We stayed a few months before they moved us somewhere else. What's so different this time? He asks. Kensi, Haley and Jessica doesn't understand what we are talking about. 

-This time you have a permanent home. We are not going to let anyone put you into that foster system ever again. We will never give you or your sister up. We want you to be a part of our family permanently. Bellamy said.
-Do you promise? He ask. 

-We will never break our promise. We are family. I said. I little smile appeared on his face. 

-We have talked. The twins got their own rooms. We thought if you want we could make the guest room into your own room. If you still want to share that's okay too. If you want or need something you can just ask. Just like Haley and Jessica does. I tell Samuel. He sits quiet for a while as the twins are talking about their day with Kensi who doesn't understand much of what they are talking about.
-You said they got their own rooms? I thought about it. Is it still okay if I get the guest room? And Kensi the room that we are sharing now? Samuel asks. 

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