Chapter sixteen

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Clarke's POV:
-Bellamy Blake you better get in here. I yelled after my husband as I were standing in the kitchen.
-What is it honey? Bellamy asks as he enters the kitchen. I had just got of work and I came home to a mess in the kitchen. It literally looked like there had been a fight in here or something alike that. I gave him a look as I didn't have to say anything. Bellamy understood exactly what I am talking about.

-Jess wanted to bake for you and Haley wanted to join her after she found out. Since they are still only four I thought that I should help them. Then Haley accidentally let the flour package slip out of her hand and to the kitchen floor. Jess thought that it would be funny to start a baking war around the kitchen. After that everything got messy in the kitchen. They washed their hands and went out to the garden and started to play at the playground. I were going to clean everything up. But apparently you got home a little earlier. Don't be so upset honey. Bellamy said and placed a kiss on the top of my head. I wasn't too happy to come home to this mess. But after hearing the story I can't help but be okay with it. I had a revenge plan that I just came up with.

-I'm not upset Bell. I said. I tried to act as if were going to start cleaning up the kitchen on my own. Instead I took the last of the flour package and threw it on Bellamy. I started to giggle like a crazy woman.
-That wasn't to nice now. Bellamy said as he tried his best to brush away all the flour of this sweater and hair. That was my perfect moment to leave the kitchen. I ran out to the back garden there I now know that my kids are at. They were sitting on the swings. Then my daughters saw me, they jumped of the swings and ran to me I were ready for my welcome home hugs that I always get when I come home from work. 
-Attack daddy. I whispered as Bellamy walked out into the backyard there we are. Bellamy started to laugh as he fell into the ground then our daughters attacked him with hugs. My sweet, beautiful and innocent daughters. Bellamy and I are doing our best to raise them in a comfortable and safe environment. So far I think that together we are raising them well so that they will feel loved. 

-It's friday and family dinner with Aurora, auntie O and uncle Lincoln. Jessica said happily.
-Indeed it is. But the kitchen is a mess. I will clean up everything and daddy can make dinner. They will be here in two hours. I said. For the past year we have started a new tradition. Every friday we have a family dinner with Octavia's family. Since we were little kids we have always spent time together. We were all inseparable. But one and a half year ago there were so much going on that we our families and friends didn't hang out as much as we used to. Aurora who were eight years old then came up with having dinner. Our family, Aurora, Lincoln and Octavia. It has become my most favourite tradition of all time. After a busy week we can all gather and have a nice and happy family dinner together. Jessica, Haley and Aurora loves it. I have learned what I always have known which is that family is one of the most important thing in a persons life. 

Haley and Jessica stayed outside at the playground as Bellamy and I walked into the house. We can see the backyard from our kitchen windows so we are always able to look after them even if we aren't outside. Bellamy helped me clean up the kitchen before he started cooking dinner for the all seven of us. I have gotten a little better at cooking. I will never be able to cook as great dishes as Bellamy does. I can't seem to achieve it. As long as we get dinner I think that we are good.
-I want to adopt a child. I love our daughters. But I want another one. I think that adopting would be a great idea. I said as I sat up on one of the kitchen counters. Bellamy doesn't like then I sit there while he's making dinner for us. It's what he likes to call 'distracting which I can't deal with while I'm making us all dinner'. He's so sweet and serious then. Right after I told Bellamy about adopting his eyes went wide as he looked at me. 

-You do? He says. His voice is calm and steady.
-Or we can ask if we could rent Harper's uterus for another nine months? I tried to joke. Bellamy immediately became serious.

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