Chapter 101- time flies

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"Op-pa wait~" Ha Eun giggles as she chases after Hyun Jae who's loud laughter echoes in the living room as he runs away with his stolen treasure, the captured teddy he waves over his head. His grin when he turns to look over his shoulder, is victorious and triumphant, and short lived. Because he goes tripping and stumbling over his feet as he falls to the ground, Ha-Eun's delighted giggles as she gets closer and tackles him, promptly falling onto his sprawled figure to capture him and keep him 'prisoner'. 

"Got you!" she yells triumphantly, tugging her teddy free and laughing at his confused, bewildered look, mind still trying to process what's just happened.

I laugh and slide to the floor, moving over to where the two of them are sprawled together, Ha-Eun's infectious giggles making me join in as Hyun Jae blinks up at her, a slightly lost look.

"Oh dear Hyeonie! Your little sister is the big brave knight saving her teddy! You can't win." I tease, knowing just how powerful the sweet smile of hers was, nose scrunching as she waves her teddy above her head.

"Dada I win! Op-pa lost!" she cheers.

And when Hyun Jae pouts and huffs at his three-year-old sister, it's with the petulance of a huffy six-year-old baby, turning away until she giggles and presses a smacking kiss to his cheek, a consolation prize for losing this round. And the many others.

Seemed like the boys hadn't exactly figured out how to one up her and win. 

They always emerged as losing to her whether it was diving first for cuddles, or stealing kisses. But given how smitten the boys looked with the little ball of energy that was Ha-Eun, it didn't seem like they minded all too much. For all that they grumbled and groused, the twitch of lips and fondness shining in brown eyes gave it away.

They adored Ha-Eun.

And wouldn't have it any other way than her grinning and beaming.

"Come on you big baby. Let's get you both lunch. Mama won't be happy if she comes home and you haven't eaten lunch. There'll be no park for you two." I teasingly say, watching as Ha Eun scrabbles upright first, darting to my side to tug at my shoulder sleeve.

"Dada food please!" she says with a toothy smile.

I tap my cheek.

"Kissie first baby." I ask and she obliges, immediately leaning in to press a dozen of giggly kisses as she nuzzles against my cheek with pleading whines of 'dada let's go'. 

I smile as I hoist her up, smiling at the way she clings to my neck, happily nuzzling close- unlike the way our boys never seemed to. I hold her close to me as I lean forward to tickle Hyun Jae, watching as he giggles and twists away to escape, jumping up fluidly.

"Dada, mama will be angry if you don't hurry. And then no park for you!" he echoes playfully, twisting my words and shooting me a smmug look as he darts into the kitchen first, the sight of him scrabbling into a chair greeting us as we enter behind him.

I sigh fondly, walking over to where Jin hyung had left lunch, already cooked and waiting to be heated- even if I'd insisted I could do it. He'd silenced my protests with a quick kiss stolen whilst Dae Hyeonie had been pulling on his shoes and sent me off with a sweet fleeting burning gaze.

And it's only as the two are tucking in does the sound of the front door opening have the two of them adorably freezing, Hyun Jae's fork hovering near his mouth and Ha-Eun's mouth open midway as I'd been feeding her.

And the sight of their mum, our wife and youngest soulmate entering through the hallway has giddy grins spreading across their lips, Hyun Jae's cry of 'mama' much clearer than Ha-Eun's muffled garble, hands reaching out to make grabby motions.

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