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There is a science behind coincidences.

Everything in the universe is connected, we just need to spot the connections to know how to live our lives.

There's an old Korean saying that if there are enough coincidences with a person, it becomes destiny and then destiny becomes fate.

Everyone in the universe is born to be fated and destined to someone who can complete them. It doesn't have to be one, but it can be two, three maybe even seven. It is a connection of the soul that binds them together, it is the mark that identifies them. Being separated from your soulmate after the mark begins to flare leads to an imbalance. Your soul recognises and calls for it to be complete and if the emotional and physical bond isn't satisfied, it leads to a void that not even the galaxy can fill.

But who ever said that the course of true love ever ran smooth?

Every person is born with an ability, an affinity for something, but the world is made up of the good and evil. Everything has a counterpart. So there are those who abuse their power, there are those who never find their soulmate(s) and there are those who settle down with someone else only for that perfect life to be disrupted when one fateful day they come across their soulmate and that meeting is what tears their world apart.

I leaned back, cracking my knuckles as I finished typing. My back was stiff as I twisted to pop the joints, slumping back down when I'd finished.

On the screen I was the finished episode of this week's webtoon. I needed to send this into the editor soon but finishing it off had taken longer than I had thought. I glanced at the clock to see it was past 3 in the morning. The dorm was silent, everyone else was asleep. As I should be. I had lessons to attend in the morning. The glow of the screen was dim, and it was the only thing emitting light in the room. My roommate was asleep buried under the mounds of blankets and pillows she liked filling her bed with. I sent off this week's episode and a quick text to my editor who I knew was asleep at the moment and would give me hell later. I switched off the screen, placing the stylus pen and the large interactive screen I drew them on.

When morning rose, I knew they'd be chaos around campus again. The webtoon was popular because its main focus was soulmates but the negative world around it. Everyone believed soulmates to be happy ever afters. My webtoon showed it didn't have to be.

I raised my shirt slightly to see my mark on the side of my hip. Even in the dark, the soft moonlight filtering through showed the dark black lines of my mark, forever marring and tainting my skin.

I knew all about coincidences, destiny and fate. People took webtoons for what they were. But what better place to hide the truth than in stark view for the whole world to see?

(BRIEF INTRO JUST TO KINDA SET THE SCENE, NOT THE OFFICIAL FIRST CHAPTER BUT JUST SETTING A BIT OF BACKSTORY. Basically...(Y/N) is a university student who is also the creator behind a famous webtoon but is not known or recognised publicly. As you can guess, it won't be a smooth sailing romance. It'll be angsty, fluffy, soft and kinda heart-breaking (MAYBE! I MAKE NO PROMISES) and yup you've guessed it. She's got 7 soulmates. I wonder who they could be...?)


PurpleQueenie <3

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