Chapter 4- ill fate

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I let my hand drop as I saw her recoil away from me. Did I scare her? Was I so fearful? Did I give off an unwelcoming aura? I didn't know why it was bothering me so much, but I couldn't deny it hurt to see her flinch from me as though she truly believed I would hurt her, and I didn't know why.

I wanted to check up on her, but it seemed as though every word I had spoken had caused her to mentally retreat further into herself. And I felt horrible for it.

I didn't instigate contact with girls, it was always them swarming and smothering me and my soulmates. So why did I feel the need to comfort (Y/N)? JB returned looking puzzled as he scanned the room, realising (Y/N) wasn't there. I don't know why but I seethed silently. Why did he care so much?

"Where's (Y/N)?" JB asked, concern settling onto his features.

"Gone. I think I scared her away." I laughed but there was no humour in it, it was an empty sound.

His eyed widened. Without saying another word, he dashed off, throwing the door open. Presumably, off to go coddle her some more. She had him wrapped around her little finger, I thought grimly. And for some reason, that didn't settle well with me.


"Hyungs!" I waved them over eagerly as they walked over to our usual table for lunch. They smiled as they reached me, leaning over to ruffle my hair or peck my cheek, settling down onto the seats around the table, Namjoon hyung sitting down next to me as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"What is it baby?" Hobi hyung asked, beaming in response to my wide smile.

"It's out! The next episode is out!" I said, waving my tablet around drawing excited murmurs from the group. Namjoon hyung rested his head on my shoulder, reading over it as we eagerly looked at this week's episode of 'Cursed Fate'.


The door shut, the warmth of her father slipping away as he left for the day. The house shrouded in a mist of iciness and a shadow that seemed to descend onto the household despite the cloudless blue sky and the dazzling sun that tauntingly shone from beyond the four prisoning walls of the building.

Dae Hyeon backed up slowly, flinching away from the cruel face of her stepmother.

"You're worthless. You're a reminder of his past mistakes. You don't belong." She venomously spat, snarling as she approached the small girl who cowered where she stood.

Her stepmother closed her eyes, a malicious grin stretching across her painted lips.

Dae Hyeon clutched her head, whimpers leaving her throat before a pained tortured scream tore out of her throat, body trembling before her body collapsed onto the ground.

Her stepmother's figure now towered over her, eyes shining with evil intent as they took in the miserable plight of the young girl who's screams were rising in volume mingling in with the sobs that threatened to choke her.

The tears that coursed down her smooth cheeks were a balm to the stepmother, soothing that sting of hate and betrayal whenever she saw the young girl. Her eyelids fluttered shut, long lashes damp and sparkling with tears as she fought to remain conscious.

The stepmother's eyes furrowed before the girl's body fell to the ground as though cut by the strings that controlled her, head smashing painfully against the tiled floor before a trail of blood began to seep out from under her splayed hair, eyes slipping shut but the fear and sorrow evident in them in the last moment.

A rustle of fabric before the stepmother knelt down next to her.

"You don't deserve love. You don't deserve to live." A hissing voice sounded in her ears before she lost to the abyss that pulled her in.

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