Chapter 13- the beginning of the road to recovery

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(Y/N) POV:

I couldn't stop myself from trembling, body shaking violently, why were they here? Why were they so close to me? Did they know? Who told them? I couldn't stop repeating the mantra of begging the doctors to tell them to stay away and not to come near me.

I could feel myself slipping into a deeper panic, lungs failing to function properly as I struggled to remember how to breathe, my life was spiralling out of control. I needed to get away, I needed to feel safe.

The room was full of noises, a loud beeping sound, the low voices of the doctors, the sound of my own raspy breaths. I needed Jaebum oppa and someone who could help control my emotions...Mingyu oppa, I scanned the room frantically for someone safe, someone who meant home. And I couldn't find anyone.

I couldn't stop the cascade of tears falling down my cheeks, blurring my vision, nor could I control anything it seemed. I forced myself to slow my breathing down, I needed to call them.

I unwrapped my hands from around my knees, eyes frantically scanning the room. Where was it? Where was my phone? The doctors seemed to notice my desperate searching.

"Phone, phone p-please." I gasped out, hands trembling with increasing anxiety that I couldn't call anyone, I was trapped and needed to get out.

It was pressed into my hands by the female doctor, my eyes were too blurry to make out her name tag, she seemed to sense I needed it to ground me. Fingers fumbling, I pressed speed dial for JB oppa, phone being answered after two rings. I didn't wait for him to start talking. I needed to say it quickly.

"Oppa, I need you and Mingyu oppa, now." And I hated myself for sounding so weak, so needy. I heard the loud gasp and then the sound of fumbling on the other end as he got up.

"(Y/N)." he gasped out before assuring me he was on his way. Now it was a waiting game.

I slumped back onto the pillows, strength leaving me and my vision becoming obscured by both tears and dark spots, head suddenly becoming speared with agonising pain. I clutched at my head desperately, trying to muffle the pained groans leaving my throat. It felt like my skull had been split open and I wished for anything, anything to get rid of the pain.

I needed them to hurry. I needed them now.

"The pain medication is wearing off." One voice called out, panicked and hurried. I felt someone approach me, sleeve being pushed up before I felt a small prick on the skin on the inside of my arm. The syringe pressed down, and I felt something enter me, mingling with my bloodstream.

It felt like forever before the medication started working, a numbness spreading through my body but this time I didn't fear it, I embraced it because it took me away from the agony. A small sigh left my lips, now that the pain didn't serve as a distraction I became hyperconscious of my surroundings, aware of the seven piercing stares directed towards me- it felt like my skin was prickling from the unwanted attention, it made me squirm away from it all, bringing my body back into its tightly drawn up posture.

"(Y/N)-ssi, you need to stay in contact with your soulmates." The doctor warned me, but I shook my head adamantly.

"It'll only cause you pain, you need to finish the bonding process." Again, I shook my head, I wasn't intending to talk until my oppas got here. Just then the door was violently opened and in barrelled both JB oppa and Mingyu oppa, the former looking worn-out and exhausted but both had worry deeply lined into their features. They rushed forward and stopped; their path blocked by the bodies of the Bangtan Boys who were still seated around me. There was no space for them to get through. Mingyu oppa levelled a glare at Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung. They reluctantly moved to the side, dragging their feet but the moment the path was cleared Mingyu oppa came darting towards me scooping me up into a hug, JB oppa watching on with tender eyes.

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