Chapter 57- a new normal

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(Y/N) POV:

"Stop looking at me like that Hobi oppa, I'm not about to keel over." I huff at him, as he stands in the doorway blocking my way out. He doesn't laugh though nor does he smile; he just stands there silently roving his eyes up and down me for yet another time.

I look at him fondly, Hobi oppa had been extremely observant of me, he was always there when I slipped whether it was mere moments or a longer period of time, he was always observing-silently watching me, silent gestures which gave away the extent of his worry.

Silently slipping more food onto my plate, acting indifferent like I wouldn't realise the portion I had just cleared off suddenly reappeared, making sure there were always blankets and warm sweaters nearby, gazing deeply into my eyes in a way that was too serious yet still sensual. But when he broke out into the sunniest smiles when I went along with it, how could I refuse him?

He just crosses his arms instead, mouth dropping into a pout.

I step forward, stretching upwards to kiss the pout away, smiling against his lips which relax and kiss me back with fervour. There's an intensity in his kiss, he suddenly takes control of it, what had started off as my way of reassuring him becomes quickly heated.

I gasp into his mouth, shocked at the way his lips dominate mine, they're fierce and passionate, sucking harshly at my lip which he tugged between his own with his teeth, nipping at it and then slowly, oh-so-slowly tracing his tongue over it, taking his time to go over it with attention. His tongue eagerly and easily parts my mouth, slipping inside before exploring and claiming it as his own, broad slow strokes that leave me breathless, make a whimper bubble out of my throat and he swallows it eagerly, tilting our heads to deepen the kiss, his arms snaking around me to pull me plush against his muscular frame. I clutch at his forearms, feeling the muscles bunch and coil under my hands, one hand slides up to entangle into the locks of his hair at the nape of his neck. When he parts our lips, my breath comes out in heaving gasps, but I can't stop the unbidden moan that slips out of my parted lips when he kisses along my jaw, mouthing gently at it before he kisses his way down my neck and places a tender kiss at my pulse point. And then the harsh and furious nipping, sucking and the tongue that laves over the skin there leaves me holding onto him for support, only able to tilt my head back further to give him unrestricted access.

He presses one last kiss to the mark he's left before straightening up, his eyes are dark and still serious, except now desire pools in his eyes, thick and heady.

"Don't say that." He says in a harsh whisper.

It takes me a second to realise what he means, my eyes widen.

His posture is tightly coiled, muscles shifting as he looks down at me.

"Never say that, you're too precious for us to lose." he says, vulnerability creeping into his tone.

I gently wrap my arms around his neck, watching as he bends down, I lean up to brush kisses across his cheeks and the tip of his nose. Each kiss is an apology.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to make you smile." I whisper back.

His eyes show understanding as well as forgiveness.

It's been a while since that day, and I'm eager to go back to normal. Even if normal is a full day of lessons and a shift at Serendipity. But I can't let the past weigh me down, I can't stop it from letting me live. And I won't let it stop my soulmates from living too.

"Why don't you pop by the café later?" I suggest and watch as his face melts into a look of pure joy, a beaming smile that leaves me marvelling at the sheer radiance emanating from him.

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