Chapter 52- new day brings a new feeling

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When I wake, it's to an empty bed. Save for the rumpled sheets and discarded blankets there is no-one else there for company. One glance at the clock tells me that it's not that late. Just past 10. But for Yoongi hyung to already be up, that was a surprise.

After changing and showering, I walk down to find all of them, except for Hobi, Jiminie and Jin hyung, lounging around on the couch.

"Where are the others?" I ask and Yoongi hyung turns from where he's lounging in Kookie's lap, gaze lazy and body loose and relaxed from under the soothing ministrations of Kookie's hands which card through his hair and massage at his scalp.

"Note said they'd be back soon." He drawls out, voice heavy as though he is about to drop off to sleep any moment now.

I join him on the couch, placing hyung's legs on my lap. On the opposite couch is Tae who's scooped (Y/N) onto her lap, bearhugging her from behind, his arms resting around her in a hold that's both loose and firm.

I can see the waves of protectiveness radiating from him, he's still on edge and honestly, I don't blame him. (Y/N) smiles at me from where she sits, lips curling up.

"Morning oppa." She pipes up, voice loud and cheerful. Too cheerful for the time if Yoongi hyung's grumble anything to go by.

"Morning (Y/N)-ah." I pipe up, feeling my own lips tug upwards, naturally responding to the beam of sunshine she's emanating. She's much calmer, much more relaxed than yesterday. Having removed or rather replaced the unwelcoming touches of Choi with our own allowed her to settle, the disgust had bled out of her aura, quickly ebbing away.

After Tae had gently brought her t-shirt back down, her eyes had become drowsy and relaxed- mind and body both letting go of the burden she'd been holding and the pain in her mark fading. It had been quick work of getting ourselves into bed, Kookie and (Y/N) latching onto each other in the centre of the bed before falling asleep. They'd need time to heal, and we would help them.

(Y/N) POV:

When I'd woken up I didn't expect for the bed to be near empty, Tae now occupying the space that Kookie had been sleeping in, eyes wide and alert as he looked down at me, gaze warm as his long fingers came to gently drift and skim over my face, tracing over my skin with a feathery touch.

My hand comes to rest on his chest, flat against the steady strong thumping of his heart. His fingers continue to map and trace my face, gently moving them with a slow intensity, eyes focused as he does so.

There's something worrying him, I can tell from the way there's a storm of emotions in his eyes, the slight stiffness to his body and the way the bond between us is flooded with a barrage of emotions. I want to help him, ease the pain.

"What is it Tae?" I say quietly, looking up to meet his eyes.

I'm afraid he won't open up, that he'll push the pain away inside and let it sit heavy in his heart. I don't want that. Don't want him to try and push it away.

It's several quiet moments later when his breath shudders out, as though it has rattled against his lungs, forced its way out of his throat.

It's a sound that makes my own heart clench.

My eyes are still meeting his, but I don't think I'd be able to look away if I wanted to anyways, there's always been something so hypnotic, so entrancing about them.

But then those same eyes, fill with tears, tears that well up and fall, falling to the side and soaking the pillow. My hand rises from where it rests on his chest, to wipe them away but they continue to fall in quick succession.

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