Chapter 68- a day together

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(Y/N) POV:

It's one of those rare days- where there aren't any lessons for some of us and none for the other, where I don't have a work shift and none of the guys are holed up in their studios. There's no work that needs to be done, no assignments due, nothing except time. Time to spend with my soulmates.

And I can see that the free time as we all lounge around makes all of confused with what to do with it. We wile away the day going for a long walk around the park, Hobi oppa pulling me away to take me to the place where we'd first met.

I flush as I remember how oppa had pressed my back against the tree before kissing me, trapping me within the solid warmth of his body as he kissed his way across my face- stealing a private moment that was filled with giggles and gasps of breaths between pauses when our lips separate.

"What are you looking so pleased about?" a nudge brings me out of my reverie, Kookie shooting me a suspicious look though I have no doubt he can feel how flustered I am through the bond.

I don't answer, choosing to duck my face away from him to be trapped into the captivating eyes of Seokie- his eyes filled with a similar warmth and a smile curves across his lips, even as he leans forward with a sparkling glint, head ducking down to come closer and closer to my face, my breath hitching in my throat.

"Hey! I'm bored." Kookie huffs, tugging my arm to draw my attention back to him, snapping me out of the trance any one of them always manage to capture me in.

I hear a chuckle from behind me, everyone's eyes drawn to the three of us as we sit on the carpet.

"What do you want to do then Kook?" Jinnie oppa asks, leaning forward and giving him his attention, face propped up by his hand.

I see Kookie dither as he wonders, see his eyes fill with confusion as he chooses what it is that he wants to do.

"Let's play a game!" he pipes up, his eagerness and excitement evoking a similar response in us, bringing us to sit upright with the prospect of something fun and light on the horizon.

"Hide and seek!" Tae chirps, leaning forward and almost unbalancing himself off Joonie oppa's lap had it not been for the fact he'd somehow managed to snag an arm around his waist.

Everyone agrees to the idea but the innocently voiced question of 'who's going to be the seeker?' foolishly tumbles out of my mouth and sparks off competitive gleams and  passionate and intense rounds of rock-paper-scissors to decide who it'll be. Never have I played this game so frantically or competitively but I find myself affected by the strong desire to win that sears through the bond and I laugh victoriously when I win the second round- snuggling into Tae's arms as he reclines on the couch as the first victor.

His low chuckle brushes across my ear as he leans forward.

"Who do you think will lose?" he asks.

I turn to face him.

"Rock-paper-scissors? Or hide and seek?" I reply.

His face takes on a thoughtful expression.

"Let's make a bet. Whoever from the two of us wins has to grant the other a wish." He bargains, eyes capturing mine.

A wish. Why does it sound like something both tempting and dangerous? God knows what Tae will make me do if I lose.

"Beyond reason." I state, twisting to face him properly.

"Deal." He breathes before leaning forward to capture my lips in a kiss, short but sweet and full of yearning and desire- bubbling upto the surface and intoxicating me with the feeling and sensation that is only him.

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