Chapter 27- time makes the heart fonder

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When I had first had a small, slight whimper I turned immediately thinking that one of my soulmates was hurt, dishes forgotten as me and Tae spun around but I was more than pleasantly surprised when I saw Kookie and (Y/N) kissing, bodies pressed tightly to one another as if they couldn't bear the distance. Kookie's hand was cupping her neck drawing her closer, lips sliding over each other in a slow languid exploration. The sound of the water running cut off and I turned to see Tae pulling off his gloves with a look of determination on his face as he discarded his gloves and strode forward, I pulled my own off following.

The small sounds (Y/N) was letting out was so pretty, so full of need that I couldn't help the pit of desire that began to pool inside me, they both made such an alluring sight; lost in each other's touch to notice that Tae and I had closed the distance between us and them, the magnetic heady pull of the bond urging me to be with them.

Kookie pulled (Y/N) into his arms, his chin resting on top of (Y/N)'s head, she turned slightly into the hug and that's when she finally realised that they had company.

"No fair. I want to taste those lips too." Tae said from next to me, but it wasn't a whine nor a petulant pout that adorned his face but rather his voice was slightly husky, full of need to get closer and do exactly what he said he wanted to do. He looked like he was one step away from whisking (Y/N) into his arms and kissing her senseless, I knew I wasn't far off. I was more ecstatic over the fact that the kiss meant that we could start showing more acts of physical affection, trying to hold back was like carrying a burden I hadn't realised I had shouldered. I felt lighter. And I couldn't wait to also shower (Y/N) with the affections we all gave each other.

I looked at the two with fondness but couldn't help the way my eyes snagged on her swollen, plump lips glistening slightly, nor the way her body fit so perfectly in Kookie's arms, I couldn't help but wonder how she'd feel in my arms.

Just then (Y/N) pulled away, a small pout pulling at Kookie's lips, fiddling with her hair slightly before she stepped back.

"We're going to be late for lessons." She said before dashing off leaving me with a pouting Kookie and Tae who looked like he was a hair's breadth away from chasing after her.

I laughed walking over to Kookie and tugging his face down slightly so I could kiss the pout away, repeatedly placing butterfly kisses on his mouth until his own was smiling.

"Go get ready baby." I said, whispering into his mouth before placing one final peck and stepping back. He nodded, leaving the kitchen.

"Well Tae, those dishes aren't going to finish themselves." I said tugging him back to the sink with me where he spent the time cleaning the dishes with a clenched jaw.


I was showering when I heard the door open, the rustle of clothes before a body joined mine under the shower spray. Two arms wrapped around my torso from behind, I tilted my head to see Hobi smiling up at me before beginning to place kisses on my shoulders. I smiled feeling the joy on both our ends as he slid closer, I twisted in his hold so I could look at him and drew his lips to mine in a kiss, water sliding over our skin as Hobi pressed closer to me.

I smiled into the kiss.

"I've got lessons Hobi." I said, almost regretfully. As much as I wanted to share in this time and space with Hobi, I had cooking with (Y/N). I could taste the desperation in our kiss, his teeth nipping at my lips before his tongue probed at the seam of my lips, my mouth automatically parting to let him in.

The kiss was practically sparking with Hobi's energy, tingles on my lips as he kissed deeper.

We parted; heads pressed together as I looked into his eyes.

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