Chapter 43- my reflection begins to blur

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(Y/N) POV:

I drag myself out of the blankets when I see Joonie oppa has drifted off to sleep again, fingers loose against me. He already knows I'm going; I've already told him. And it had been hard to drag myself out the warm haven that were my soulmates and blankets but it had to be done.

I thanked every deity, every divine force and power that Joonie oppa in his half-awake state hadn't picked up on the name that had flashed up. That he hadn't made out the word Editor lighting up my screen over and over again. That would lead to some explanations being required. Explanations that I not for one second doubt would not make pleasant nor light pillow talk.

Manoeuvring myself out off Tae's hold proves to be a challenge and a lot of twists and turns but I manage it in the end. It's a feat that leaves me slightly ruffled giving how tight his hold was. And the sun is yet to rise when I slide out of the house dressed, it's a dark inky blue that colours the sky and guides me along the streets to an elegant building. One that I know like the back of my hand, one that I've spent countless days and nights in. The small yet well-off company where life is breathed into my webtoons and they reach the public eye. One of my many homes.

Entering gives me a sense of nostalgia- I haven't been able to visit as frequently or as often as I like, it's a secret that would be hard to explain. And given how much time I spend with my soulmates now; it would be hard and difficult to suddenly push them away regularly enough that they notice a shift.

The sleek monochromatic reception is the same as always, faces light up with recognition as they see me, smiles and nods of heads when I reach the desk and slide my mask down. It's a space I've strived to make comfortable for everyone, there's no strict, cool formalities and professionalism enforced. It's a small knit of people I can proudly call family.

But today after I go through reception and up to the higher levels, the mask remains tucked under my chin, and onto my face slides on a cool look of indifference. There's a leak I'm here to deal with, and a leak means there's no more friendliness. Not for the person or people who have betrayed my trust.

I step out of the elevator, watch as the few people bustling about in a panic stop to shoot me looks of fear. But if they haven't wronged, there should be no need to fear. I stride forward, gait powerful and strong. Lesson one- always be confident and self-assured. The world is full of predators who wait for a sign of weakness.

Today my clothes don't reflect my usual relaxed self. Today- they're the clothes of the person who runs a company. Clothes can be adorned like armour- they show I'm here for a stand. I enter my office, one that I rarely ever occupy, all cool professionalism and chic tones in the layout.

I sit on the leather chair behind the glass table, drumming my fingers lightly on the surface, but in the stilted silence of the room, the sound resonates

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I sit on the leather chair behind the glass table, drumming my fingers lightly on the surface, but in the stilted silence of the room, the sound resonates.

"Bring him in." I call out to my editor and most trusted employee. There's no warmth in my voice. There can't be. If I need to adorn this mask of detachment and hard authority, then so be it. But I am not having my life being thrown about or being made into a game for the depraved pleasure of anyone.

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