Chapter 20- alone time with Yoongi

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I lay back on (Y/N)'s bed, slipping her headphones over my ears as I watched her grab her tablet, I put the volume on the lowest, but I kept myself alert. I wasn't going to go telling her that I pretended to sleep or be listening to music when really, I was just observing silently. Her headphones were good though, they were blocking out all external sounds and if my ability hadn't enabled me to be able to pick up on any frequency then I wouldn't be able to detect changes in (Y/N).

I watched through narrowed eyes as she curled up in the corner of the room, legs drawing upwards as the tablet balanced on them and the pen which flew across the screen with a poised grace as she did...something. From the angle she was sitting at I couldn't see what she was doing but clearly, she had intentionally chosen to do so, I wasn't going to intrude on her privacy. She was free to do what she wanted.

Even though her room was lulling me into a sense of comfort, I fought against the pull of sleep choosing to just watch her. I didn't realise small mannerisms could be so entrancing until I met my soulmates. I watched as she occasionally tilted her head in confusion or when she was mentally questioning something, the nose scrunch when she wasn't happy with what she was doing and then the fast paced shake of her hand wrapped around the pen as she erased it. She bit her lip when she was deep in focus, a small furrow between her brows. The way one hand rested lightly on the edge of her neck when she was thinking, fingers drumming lightly onto her skin.

But her eyes. They were so expressive. They went through a barrage of emotions. Anger. Hurt. Confusion. Sorrow. Although I couldn't tell why she was feeling them I had no doubt that the answer lay in the tablet. The pull of sleep that had been luring me in quickly began to dissipate when her heartbeat suddenly rocketed- a fast onslaught of thudding echoing in my ears and her breathing became harsher, I could even hear the creaking of the pen as her grip on it grew tighter.

I bolted upwards forgetting I was so cocooned in her blankets that I ended up stumbling and crashing onto the floor in my haste to get to her. (Y/N)'s heartbeat suddenly stopped its violent thumping before it became panicked in its erratic beating. My senses were so keyed into her every response that I heard the sharp inhale of breath before she bolted to her feet, each soft tread echoing loudly in my ears before she sank down in front of me.

Her hands fluttered before gently almost fearfully reaching over to cup me cheeks. The moment her soft, small hands cupped my face all rational thought flew out my head. I couldn't even remember what I had been hurrying about when all I could focus on was the euphoric feeling of warmth radiating from where her skin touched mine. Tingles erupting across my skin, a dizzying sensation of drowning in the feeling.

"Are you okay Yoongi?" she said, lips parting as she stared at me in concern.

Even though I could each syllable practically screaming with distress I couldn't help but notice she called me Yoongi. She had dropped the formalities. I couldn't stop the smile that stretched across my lips as I looked up at her.

Her face twisted in worry, eyes searching for something before she was helping me up, steering me to sit down on the bed. Her hands had withdrawn and so the buzzing feeling had lessened, I snapped out the haze. I felt a dull throbbing in my knee, and I couldn't even imagine how that had happened considering the floors were lined with plush carpet.

Her hands dithered before she spoke up.

"Yoongi if you don't mind, may I help with that?" she offered gesturing to my knee.

She was a healer? I nodded.

"Uh yeah" I said, voice a bit gruff.

Her fingers settled lightly on my knee and she closed her eyes momentarily before a rush of energy flooded my knee, a soft cool sensation before the dull throb that hadn't been too painful to begin with disappeared.

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