Chapter 66- just let me touch you

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(Y/N) POV:

Our mouths meet and it's like coming home, something so perfect, so natural, it feels like belonging. I melt into the kiss, his arms securely wrapping me into his embrace. Our lips slide together, slowly carefully exploring each other- as if it's the first time, as if it always feel this new, this thrilling. I won't ever get tired of this feeling- this rush of emotion, the sparks and tingles as he parts my mouth, delves his tongue in deep and intertwines with mine, still slow but each stroke of his tongue makes me lean in further, want to bring him closer so we can merge and become one. He groans deep into my mouth, a low guttural sound so full of need and sends sparks shooting across my skin, makes me shiver.

Our lips part and I look at him, complete faith and trust in him and our soulmates. In whatever is going to happen.

"Love me then." I say back, eyes not wavering from his as I watch them darken and fill with both tenderness and passion. Gaze unshifting, his face breaks into one of the brightest expressions- like an inner glow that radiates out of him.

And then Minnie slowly bends down, hands sliding down to cup the back of my thighs- hands warm and firm against my skin before he lifts me up, my legs immediately go around his waist to anchor myself there, to stabilise myself and I feel the muscles in his lower back shift, see a fond smile curve his lips as he walks over, slow deliberate steps before we enter the large shared bedroom.

He sets me down gently onto the edge of the bed but his grip from around my thighs don't slide away, they remain there as he kneels in front of me, eyes scanning me for any hesitance, any fear.

But I have nothing to fear, nothing to second-guess. I'm with my soulmates and that's all I want. They're all I need.

"I want you." I voice, confirming and putting their unspoken question to rest.

I look at all of them, the way they surround us and feel safe, encompassed by my soulmates- there's nowhere else I want to be.

Except here and the now.

What I don't expect is for Minnie to surge forward and pepper my face with kisses, I can feel his smile against my skin.

"We want you too, so, so much." He says between kisses, showering my skin with words that confirm our love, our need for each other.

"Can I see your marks?" I ask, finally mustering all my courage- I'd always wondered where they were situated, and now I could see.

There's no answer, just a simple grace as they slide off their clothes, shirts slipping off broad, muscular shoulders, t-shirts pulled over their head to reveal smooth expanses of skin and muscular, toned frames. There's no stiltedness in their gestures, nothing uncomfortable, nothing that puts me on edge. It's just us.

Jimin stands up, and I see how his mark pans across his left ribcage, beautifully stark against his skin, my hand comes up to brush softly against it- reverently as I trace the same mark, I considered a taint marring my own skin.

He shudders, muscles under his skin shifting and bunching as I touch but he presses into the touch, and groans- a low sinful sound.

I look to see desire swimming in his eyes, as well as the same love I feel in the closeness of touching the mark- another intimacy shared. I stand up so I can see our other soulmates', see their marks and revere theirs, just as they do mine.

Jinnie oppa's is on his left bicep, Joonie oppa's just below the dip of his neck, Hobi oppa's adorns his left hip, Kookie's is on his right pectoral, Yoongi oppa's sits between his shoulder blades and Tae's sits at the base of his back.

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