Chapter 39- delving into the past

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It's the feeling of being utterly and completely helpless, hearing (Y/N)'s heartbeat skyrocket at Yuna's words and the way her breaths quicken and become irregular. The way her hand suddenly seems lifeless in my own and it is my own tight grasp that wants to hold her close to me, near me and away from Yuna. As much as I want to just walk past Yuna, I know I can't just leave things like this. It's not fair on us, it's most definitely not fair to (Y/N).

She deserves the right to withhold the pain of her past and the secrets she's buried to protect herself, I do want her to open upto us. But not like this. Not because she was compelled to. Because she was pushed to a point of no return by someone. Someone from beyond our bond made it worse.

I knew how it felt to open up, I knew how hard it was to lay yourself bare, naked, and vulnerable when all the truth was out. I knew how it felt to think that every gaze, every touch was suddenly unwelcoming and foreign. (Y/N) didn't deserve that. She wouldn't go through that. Not if I could help it.

"It doesn't matter what she's hiding, what her past is. She deserves her privacy and the last person I'll let invade that, is you Yuna." I bite out between gritted teeth.

She seems shocked before she schools her expression into one of distaste.

"Are you sure...I could make her speak for you. Hell...I could make her scream if you want." She says, words dripping with what I think she assumes is allure.

I feel (Y/N) flinch next to me. Not small or hidden. A full body flinch. And I know that those words have hit too close to home- there's some truth in them. And I'm fearing for what'll happen when we do find out.

Yuna steps forward, staying clear of me but stalking over to (Y/N)'s side, I pull her into me instantly but Yuna's hand darts out and wraps around her wrist, jerking her violently towards her instead. I try to keep my grip loose, I don't her want her hurt by this sudden violent tug-of-war Yuna has created.

There is a considerable height difference between Yuna and (Y/N), Yuna is glaring down at (Y/N) leaning in so their faces are mere centimetres apart.

"I can ruin you (Y/N). Don't push this further than it needs to go." She hisses, flecks of spit flying free from those crimson lips.

But (Y/N) is unflinching. Her eyes show me that she's affected but her voice is firm and unwavering.

"You're the one pushing boundaries Yuna, don't make this ugly." She hisses back and even in her petite frame, she seems to occupy the space, her words and aura making her appear as though she is towering over Yuna instead.

And then (Y/N) yanks her wrist out of Yuna's grip, unblinking as Yuna's sharp claws leave a trail of reddening marks on her soft skin and then she's tugging me along, moving me out of my frozen stupor as she walks, each stride determined and purposeful.

I realise, not for the first time, that (Y/N) is strong and brave. And with us, there's no way we'll let her fall weak.

When we enter the house, it's the grim set of (Y/N)'s lips so different to how cheery they usually are and so different to the way they'd been only a while ago- kissed until they were swollen, that tell me that this was the last straw. This is (Y/N) with a purpose. This is (Y/N) who is ready to take Yuna down.

And I'd be lying if I said, it didn't both intimidate me and impress me.

(Y/N) POV:

Everything Yuna has said and done makes me quickly realise she has her claws in deep, she has no intention of backing down or letting go of her obsession.

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