Chapter 41- I found home in you

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(Y/N) POV:

The way he was sitting there reminded me of a tiger, all sleek muscles and his posture was tight and coiled- ready to pounce. And I couldn't decide in that moment whether I found him more frightening or attractive. His eyes were narrowed and sharp as they slowly trailed down before refocusing on my face. He was sprawled there with a careless grace, body propped up by his hands, arms tightly fisting into my sheets, the veins prominent.

My own hands fisted unconsciously, hanging limply on either side as I stood there wondering what he was thinking with the way he was slowly examining me.

"W-what is it Tae?" unable to help the way my voice wavered, frankly I wasn't too sure why his gaze alone was affecting me so much, but it was. There was no denying it.

Silence. Except I could see the muscle in his jaw tick slightly.

But now that I realised, we were alone, my earlier concerns for him came rising back to the surface. Now was the perfect time to check up on him.

"Have you been alright Tae? Is there something that has been bothering you these past few days, you seem...distant?" I ask, watching as his features soften slightly and I don't miss the flash of vulnerability that lights up his eyes.

The sight of seeing him so open propels my feet to move, carrying me across the room until I'm standing in front of him, looking down as he tilts his head back, the movement exposing the strong column of his throat.

I reach out, my hands hovering over him uncertainly before I decide that Tae is what matters at the moment, if he's uncomfortable then he can push me away. But until he himself does that, I'm going to comfort him.

I softly brush back a few strands of hair out of his eyes, watch as they rest on his brow, his eyes still trained on me although they do widen with slight surprise when I continue to play with his hair.

"I wanted to check up on you, you haven't been smiling or laughing as much. And I haven't been able to spend as much time as I wanted with you, it's made me hurt here." I say softly, hand going to rub at my chest, feeling a phantom pain ghost along my heart, at the emptiness I had been feeling. And I realise- it was Tae, both his emotions and the lack of closeness my soul had been craving for, calling for.

He's still silent, maybe he doesn't want to speak. But that's fine. I'm more than happy to just talk to him.

"And your eyes haven't sparkled at their brightest, your lips haven't been in their usual beautiful smile..." I continue, fingers gently fluttering over his eyes which drift shut at my touch and then softly ghost over his lips. But all of a sudden, my words are cut off when Tae's own hand comes to grab at my own, the same one I had been using to trace over his face with.

A flash of hurt strikes through me, before I push it to the back of my mind, compelling myself to focus on Tae- maybe he hadn't liked my touch. But that thought is almost instantly dismissed when his grip on my hand doesn't loosen nor does he drop it in disgust.

My eyes slide back to Tae's, shocked at the sudden intensity he is staring at me with.

"Do I not matter (Y/N)-ah?" he breathes.

I startle, stunned by his question.

" you not want me?" he adds, voice still light but there's something so utterly vulnerable and shattered in his voice, that I break.

My hands quickly and desperately reach to cup his face, holding him still as I look down at him. My eyes are stinging but I focus on Tae, focus on the way he's looking at me.

"Of course I do. You were the first one for me." I whisper.

His hands come to clutch at my wrists, almost bruising in their grip. But he's trying to reassure himself that I'm there.

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