Chapter 6- the Daegu boys

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I called out the name on the slip of paper I was holding, it sounded oddly familiar.

"(L/N) (Y/N)-ssi" I called out, scanning the remainder before I saw a hand slightly rising, tips of their fingers peeking through the hand that was drowning in fabric. I lowered my gaze to see their face, it was a girl. I silently prayed she wasn't going to go announcing it through campus, the last thing me and my soulmates needed was a horde of angry girls. Her face was framed by wavy dark brown locks, big (E/C) eyes staring at me with shock? Fear? I walked over, stopping briefly by her to tell her to follow me before moving to the table at the back of the room. I tended to sit at the back, it was a way of staying away from all the stares and glances, it also allowed me to observe the people in the room. I sat down waiting for her to reach the table, I didn't know if she always walked like that, but she was walking over slowly and cautiously.

The tables were designed for partner work, there was only two seats, she pulled the chair out and sat down before gripping the sides of it and edging away until the table obstructed her from moving away further. Was she scared of me? I wanted to bash my head against the table, first meeting and she's already petrified. I swear I'm not that clumsy, I won't break her.

The professor called out instructions telling us to introduce ourselves. I hoped I could be friendly at least with her, it'd be a nice change from avoiding most of the female population. She fidgeted with her hands. I'll start then, hopefully put her at ease.

I stuck out my hand, "I'm Kim Namjoon."

She stared at my hand but didn't move forward to shake it so I brought it closer into her line of sight but suddenly she flinched away from me and the sudden movement, her elbow colliding with the edge of the table and she pressed her lips together in pain, clutching at her arm. Oops. I had just caused her to injure herself because I couldn't respect personal space. Great, what a lovely start Namjoon I berated myself.

I withdrew my hand shooting her an apologetic look. The way she had flinched shocked me, I wonder why she gave such a response.

She bowed her head, dipping it slightly towards me.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N). I hope we can work well together Kim Namjoon-ssi." Her soft voice spoke up as she lifted her head looking at me with those wide eyes. Her voice was oddly comforting and even though she spoke softly, it wasn't weak. Interesting.

I nodded "Let's get to know each other, I'll go first." I wanted to put her at ease, she was too jumpy and on edge.

"I'm majoring in English Literature and also studying Philosophy. I like music, meat and reading books. I've got six wonderful soulmates; they mean everything to me. They're all so different but they complete me. I love cycling and the most recent book I've read is 'Me Before You'."

I felt my lips stretch out into a smile as I talked about my soulmates, it was an unconscious response. I didn't usually bring them up, especially during lesson, but for some reason I wanted her to smile with me. I wanted to see her eyes sparkle, I wanted her to be happy for me.

"Your turn." I said, gesturing with my hands for her to start talking.

"Ummm...I'm afraid I'm not that interesting Kim Namjoon-ssi. I'm doing English Literature and Psychology. I both love and hate looking at the sky. I enjoy cooking, I love binge watching shows whilst eating junk food...the last book series I read was 'The Infernal Devices'." She said her voice losing its earlier strength, she spoke quietly and hesitantly as though she was expecting a crude remark or insult to be directed to her by me. Did I give off snobby vibes? Was I stand-offish?

"What about your soulmate or is it soulmates, what does your mark look like, how did you meet them?" I asked, she hadn't mentioned hers nor acknowledged that she'd hear me talk about mine. I wanted to know what type of mark she had, who she was bonded with. Maybe I knew them.

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