Chapter 78- small changes

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It's time for (Y/N)'s ultrasound appointment and the build-up and wait to it had the whole house in a tizzy, everyone rushing about cancelling their work, rearranging meetings, lots of rescheduling just so everyone could be there.

Jin hyung rushes about cooking, feeding (Y/N) so often between meals that her appetite gets ruined later on- or that she ends up pushing his hand away, protesting that she can't take down another morsel. He religiously makes sure she's taking her vitamins, pressing a glass into her hands for her to sip as she sits- even if she complains that her bladder can't handle it, angrily huffing when she has to get up and go to the toilet again. Jin hyung is awake the morning she stumbles out of bed to hurl the contents of her stomach back up, bleary eyed but there as he holds her hair back, arms welcoming and inviting as she clambers back into bed with him later.

Joon-ah has mastered a combination of puppy eyes and his dimples and always manages to get (Y/N) curled up on his lap as he works or as the two read in companionable silence, both of them seeking comfort in each other's presences, her head tucked under his as she lies there comfortably. And more often I find him reading pregnancy books, storing and cataloguing useful information into his brain for how we can help her, ease any discomforts and take care of her as best as we can.

Hobi's energy has somehow risen to a level that none of us have ever experienced, as if his ability has somehow adapted in preparation for our unborn baby, always spending time in the evening on his knees talking to her stomach, cooing and telling stories all whilst sending out pulsing waves of calming energy that help both (Y/N) and the baby in her womb to stay calm and unstressed- though she is perfectly content as she looks down at him and strokes his hair as he gazes at her stomach with nothing but love and awe.

The maknaes are a force to be reckoned with.

Kookie has long since been the baby of our group, that role not shifting when (Y/N) became the new maknae- it somehow adjusted that whilst he was still babied and coddled, he took on that role to his only younger soulmate- pampering and showering her with affection and caring for her in the same way we did for him. It made my heart swell with pride to see our baby taking care of his only baby soulmate- rushing to bring her snacks, easing her feet into his lap to massage, and curling protectively around her in his sleep whenever he was next to her. The shine and excitement in his eyes only grew day by day and it made our hearts thump wildly for him too.

Jiminie assigned himself as the primary provider of comfort, always using his ability to materialise blankets, socks, and any other small things he knew (Y/N) would appreciate. His ability became in sync with her body so well that sometimes even whilst asleep and (Y/N) seemed uncomfortable as she slept, body twisting and sheets slipping off- his own ability would gently shift her back into a comfortable position, sheets sliding back up to cover her as the two slept in each other's arms. As if his ability was also rising with the need to protect and help- even if he didn't sometimes actively recognise it.

Tae was a whirlwind. He was the one who managed to wheedle (Y/N) into sleeping more, opening her mouth for just one more bite, persuading her with his thick charm that she should allow us to do more for her, to help her with the small things even if she was perfectly capable because it gave us joy to be able to help her. His ability allowed him to make sure we were keeping the best care of her as we could and sometimes he'd play dirty when arguments would break out about who got to spend time with her next and who's lap she should be in- he'd persuade us all that his lap was the best- deep low voice, hypnotic and entrancing, and moments later, the charm would flicker out and his boxy smile would widen as he snuggled away happily with her in his arms, hands wrapped around her stomach- fascinatedly roving over it and sometimes slipping under her shirt to tease or just provide skin to skin contact to help soothe.

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