Chapter 46- the truth untold

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(Y/N) POV:

When time rolls around for Kookie's first day to end, he doesn't waste time in tugging me out with him, eyes sparkling and seeming completely unbothered by the curious eyes and smiles that appear on the other employee's faces. This is the first time this week that I'm leaving at a normal time, rather than stumbling out of the building when everyone else has gone home. The day is just beginning to end, the sky is coloured in hues of pinks, oranges and yellows and the way the wind rushes through my hair is exhilarating. The feeling begins to dwindle slightly when we finally reach our house, a pit of wariness gnawing at my mind but Kookie just stops to turn to me, expression serious.

"Whatever you decide I'm right beside you." his words are firm and assuring. But I'm done running, I'm done hiding. But more than that, I'm not going to put him in the position where he'll be lying to our soulmates. I could never do that to him.

I smile up at him and allow him to guide me into the house, taking my time in drawing off my shoes before tentatively following him into the large living room. The others are gathered there already, lounging around, the ambience is warm- welcoming as it always has been. But I feel ashamed- ashamed that I've neglected them for nearly a week and now I've come slinking back. I hide behind Kookie's larger, broader frame, desperate to hide behind him and take the protection his warm presence always offers.

My hands fist lightly into the hoodie he's wearing, knuckles pressing against the fabric that covers his back. I hold onto the sense of comfort it brings, the feeling of closeness soothing my fidgeting fingers and racing mind. Kookie seems to sense this and continues to block my presence, somehow filling the doorway with the posture he adopts so that I remain out of sight.

"I'm home hyungs!" he calls, I can feel the reverberations of his voice through the way my hands press against his back, the thrum a soft, soothing melody.

I can hear the way the others jostle, the TV long forgotten and now white noise, as all their attention comes to rest on Kookie. The bond is overwhelmed with feelings of pride and joy and love as they look at him, a feeling I know isn't for me but I can't help but feel cocooned by it regardless.

"Kookie baby, how was your first day?"

"Come in my love, come sit here and tell us."

"Kookie, I want cuddles!"

"Kook sit next to hyung here."

"Don't stand there and make me come over sweetheart, hyung's lap is waiting for you."

"Our baby is all grown up."

Several voices chime, voice filled with nothing but love as they eagerly call him over but I know the moment he does, I'll be in sight. He doesn't move but the words he says next makes me gape at his back with the feeling of betrayal.

"Hyungs I brought back a surprise!" he chirps before shifting slightly, my hold gets tighter, desperate but the damage has already been done.

I peek out from the side slightly, face slightly covered by the bulk of his arm as I nervously scan the room and watch as their eyes fall onto me and widen with surprise.

I squirm under the intensity of six gazes directed solely onto me before seeing the way their faces brighten up and bodies sag with relief.

Suddenly, Kookie is being shoved to the side and I am unceremoniously scooped up into a pair of strong firm arms which bundle me close to him, the warmth of his body colliding with mine, instantly thawing the fear which had descended over me like winter's frost.

My arms scrabble for purchase before finally coming to rest around his neck, he hasn't put me down yet but I clutch on tightly when he starts walking, taking me into the heart of the living room, sitting down on the floor, back resting against a couch and body enveloping mine in a seated embrace.

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