Chapter 60- falling deeper, falling harder

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Jin hyung sends me off to wake everyone else up, whilst he's busy bustling about the kitchen trying to make a meal that will be easy on (Y/N)'s stomach- he keeps muttering adorably to himself as he works, frowning as he eyes each ingredient with a precious pout gracing his plump lips.

"Hyung stop stressing. She'll like whatever you make." I murmur pulling his head down to kiss along his cheeks, his nose and then the pout on his lips- quick chaste kisses that ease away the frown.

He looks down at me, eyes shining with warmth and warmth, lips curling instead into a wide smile, lips parting.

"What did we do to deserve you Jimin-ah? What did I do to deserve you?" he breathes, hand coming to cup my jaw, the other hand tracing over the shape of my lips, I turn my head to kiss the pad of his thumb that stops on the corner of my mouth.

"I'm the lucky one hyung. We are to have such a caring soulmate." I breathe before smiling at him, reluctantly leaving the warm cocoon of his arms to go wake the others up.

He turned around with a smile on his face, movement slow, he hadn't fully turned back to the stove until I left the kitchen.

I hurried back upstairs to wake up Joon hyung and Hobi hyung, the two were fiercely entangled in each other, limbs so intertwined, there was no space in between them. Joon hyung's head was nestled in Hobi hyung's chest, their shirts had ridden up and the sheets had been rucked up about them. I silently walked forward, smiling down at the two of them.

Hobi hyung was extremely ticklish so as the first few moments of me running my fingers up and down his back and across his side, he started squirming, moving against Joonie hyung whose face began scrunching up with the disturbance, face pressing even more tightly against Hobi hyung's chest.

"Stopppp..." Hobi hyung whines, rolling over to avoid the ticklish sensation and ends up lying flat against Joonie hyung's chest- the two shifted so now he's lying on top of hyung.

"Hyungs...wake up, Jinnie hyung made breakfast." I call, watching as their eyes crack open with interest. Jin hyung's cooking can get anyone out of bed...anyone.

The two grumble but it's clear from their eager movements that they can't wait to eat...they begin climbing out of bed, pressing a kiss onto either of my cheek before heading off to the bathroom.

Next, I open up my room door, where Tae and Kookie had spent the night. I had been sandwiched between the two- surprisingly Kookie had been in the mood to be the big spoon, and who I was to oblige our baby who wanted to cradle me with his body that was carded with muscles and yet still so soft and perfect for cuddling in? And Tae on the other hand had wanted to be the little spoon, had so easily and insistently curled up into my arms, made himself small as he curled up, a pillow clutched in between his hands.

At some point when I'd slipped out earlier on-albeit with a little difficulty, but eager when Jin hyung had popped his head in and found me awake, the two had gravitated close to each other and now Kookie is spooning Tae, the two of them still in the depths of sleep.

At some point when I'd slipped out earlier on-albeit with a little difficulty, but eager when Jin hyung had popped his head in and found me awake, the two had gravitated close to each other and now Kookie is spooning Tae, the two of them still in ...

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