Chapter 10- it all goes downhill

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It had been three weeks. Three weeks since we'd had the chat and let it all out in the open. Three weeks since we'd all intended to slowly bring (Y/N) out of her shell. And we all could say confidently that it had been three weeks and no progress had been made. Our eyes and ears were peeled for her, any mention, someone calling her name, but it was like she had slipped under the radar and somehow managed to evade all 7 of us. How, we couldn't tell. She still attended her lessons, so she wasn't absent. She had somehow managed to time her entrance to class to the last second, her usual habit of being early postponed and because of that none of us could find a moment to talk to her outside the class. She only talked to us when necessary and an answer or response was warranted but even then, there was none of the cordiality, friendliness and warmth that radiated from her when she was with others. Even when she bumped into someone and it was a stranger, she still managed to be more open and friendly to them than she was with us all. But why?

It was frustrating how easily she managed to slide out of lessons the moment the bell rang, or the professor dismissed the class, easily merging into the crowds or placing herself in the midst of her friends who just drew her in and coddled her.


Jin tried to work next to her in the kitchen but JB became an overprotective mother hen whenever he dared approach; shooting him reproachful looks and warnings with his eyes to leave her be. Jaehyun had also become close to (Y/N), laughing around with her, cracking jokes, and flirting. The boy kept on flirting, even though it seemed like neither of them were interested in each other romantically, (Y/N)'s cheeks would flush under his flirty behaviour and Jaehyun would look so smug. For once, it seemed like Jin was the outsider in the group, he'd never really experienced how it'd felt but it made him more determined to slowly ease her out of the protective walls she'd thrown up.

Jimin became an even more frequent visitor at Serendipity, having worked out (Y/N)'s work schedule he was almost always there when she entered and left a while before she did. He always ordered when she was working at the till, spent time playing with the cats so he could observe her from an even closer vantage. When he was eating or drinking one of the many times he ordered during his stay, his eyes would be covertly watching her interact with the other customers, or how her face scrunched up with pure joy when she played or tended to the cats. But that smile, that ease wasn't directed at him, he was always greeted with a cool professionalism. But even though it was bittersweet, he hung onto the moments where she smiled at him whilst taking his order. Maybe one day it would be beyond the barrier dividing them as customer and worker.

Yoongi didn't have classes with her, nor was he the same age as her. Instead he would observe her behaviour whenever he passed her by chance. He took in every instance she interacted with others or when she was by herself. She was very sociable and friendly; he didn't think she knew many people, but he was always surprised when he saw a seemingly random figure approach her and it turned out they knew her. She was full of surprises. She was often surrounded by people, but it seemed like she wasn't bothered if she was alone- she seemed to enjoy her solitude too, headphones over her ears as she walked around the city or campus- he'd seen her in both on frequent occasions.

Hoseok also did Psychology but their classes were separate. However, the papers written by each student were available to access given their consent and luckily (Y/N) had given consent. He had stumbled across a few of hers and surprisingly he'd learnt a lot about her personality and beliefs through her arguments. It felt silly of him to admit but he couldn't help but feel closer to (Y/N) than the others, he understood what she had written and the person behind those words. She strongly advocated free will and that everyone deserved love but also that one could find a course of happiness without finding someone.  It was such a fresh way of looking at life especially in a world where happiness is nearly always connected with the existence of soul marks. Then he remembered she didn't have one and it dimmed his thoughts but filled him with the determination to help her be happy. He did also see her at the park next to the very tree they'd first met at and rather than intrude on her personal space, he watched the look of content from a distance, smiling when he saw she slipped off in a daze or when she just sat there, large tablet in hand content to work in silence.

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