Chapter 36- cat shifter

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(Y/N) POV:

I try oh so hard to slip off into my room so I can put oppa down and he can relax fully but luck is not on my side. Yoongi's hand snags my waist, tugging me next to him and with soft eyes as he looks at me, almost apologetically, his mouth is set firmly as he calls out for the others.

It doesn't take long for the others to arrive. They barrel into the room, cheery and raucous. It's almost in unison that their eyes fall onto the white cat in my arms. There's a flurry of movement and suddenly they are all crowding around me, cooing at the cat in my arms.

But then Soo-ah; which is how Myungsoo oppa likes to be called in cat form, begins to hiss, fur standing on edge because of the numerous people surrounding him and his already fragile emotional state makes him perceive them as unwelcomed. And threats to his safety. He turns, scrabbling at my clothes, paws desperately latching themselves to my neck and torso.

I immediately seek to reassure him, hands moving to smooth over his fur, slow rubs into his back and a light scratch behind the ears and wait for him to calm down under my light petting. The others have retreated a bit, giving Soo-ah the space he needs and now when he turns, it is more of an appraising look and curiosity rather than the initial reaction of fear.

"(Y/N)-ah, the cat is so cute! Where did you get it from?" Jiminie asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet with barely restrained excitement, bunching his hands up in front of his face as he looks at Soo-ah with excitement.

"This is Soo-ah, he'll be here for the day. He...he lives with a really close friend of mine." I give a half-truth. I know that when Myungsoo oppa shifts back, he will explain most likely, but it isn't my business to decide.

Tae is looking at him with slightly raised eyebrows over eyes that look with a deep intensity.

"Soo-ah...can I pet him? Oh please!" he drawls out before breaking into an eager tone, hands making grabby motions for the cat I'm holding.

I stiffen slightly not knowing how Soo-ah will react but put him down gently so as a cat, he can make the decision himself whether or not he's willing to play. I also don't want to hand him over and have one of my soulmates scratched or clawed at.

Soo-ah lifts his head up, silently assessing them all before he is softly padding over to slide into the gap between Hobi oppa and Joonie, small body rubbing against their legs as he starts purring. The two break into smiles; Hobi oppa's is radiant and blinding and Joonie's is tentative and shy and they both bend to run their large hands through his fur, rubbing gently as they pet him, crooning soft phrases to Soo-ah. And even though I know they don't know who it is, those soft phrases and the petting are gestures of affection that will be a balm to the hurt and agony Myungsoo oppa is experiencing- perhaps even helping it heal a bit further.


I sit in a circle with my soulmates on the soft plush carpet, absently running my fingers through Soo-ah's fur as he sits content in the middle of my lap, nestling his head into the crux of my knee. He blinks up at me and mewls softly, I bend my head and his small paw comes to gently rub against my face. I know it is an act of love and whether it is Soo-ah or Myungsoo oppa actively making it happen, I smile at him leaning forward to pepper his face with soft kisses.

"You know the rules of uno right?" Tae says, leaning forward with a competitive gleam in his eyes. I nod, I love playing uno- ruthless at it in fact, but I'll keep that tidbit of information to myself for now. In my lap Soo-ah purrs and it sounds almost mocking. I bite back a grin.

"I've played a few times." I say, giving only the bare minimum away.

And it's several rounds later and pouty and put out faces all around that I yell out 'uno' triumphantly and when it comes to my go despite desperate attempts to prevent my win, I throw down a black colour-change card, declaring me the winner.

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