Chapter 72- graduation day

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I realise this didn't fit with the timeline for bonuses so sorry! But the rest should follow a chronological order!
Best song to listen to: Graduation song by BTS

(Y/N) POV:

I stand in front of the mirror smiling back at my reflection. Clad in my graduation robes, hair tumbling down over my shoulders, hat perched on top. Behind me is Kookie. In the same attire, hands moving forward to rest on my shoulders, resting his head over my left shoulder, shooting me a soft smile in the mirror. I smile back before twisting to face him, hands brushing over the collar of his shirt, straightening it, smoothing out the slight creases in his robes, hands panning across his shoulders and chest, marvelling at the strength under them before coming to rest on his biceps. My hands rest on them, as I look up at him, at the boy I've seen mature into a man. His frame is slightly broader, more muscular, he's grown further into his looks, a silent confidence and grace which fills his body, in the stance, in the way he holds and carries himself. I'm glad I've been part of this journey, seeing him become the man that stands in front of me today.

His own arms curl around my waist, a sudden tug which makes me lurch and grip at his arms tightly, his large hands warm on my waist, a solid comforting weight as he looks down at me, eyes sparkling, leaning down so our noses brush. Until we share the same air, the same breath.

"Congratulations (Y/N)-ah." He whispers, eyes looking at me with such warmth and softness.

"Congratulations Koo." I whisper back, sharing in this stolen perfect moment of intimacy of time just between the two of us.

He smiles, eyes crinkling slightly and teeth flashing with an innocence that never fails to tug at my heartstrings, never fails to make me melt and fall further. I lean into him, hands sliding up to rest on his shoulders, before they wind themselves around his neck, feel the muscles shift slightly as I silently urge him down. He obliges, head tilting down further so our lips can brush together in a soft feathery kiss, a slight pressure before it vanishes. I huff, the sound evoking a cute endearing bunny grin before he melds our lips together with a softness, a gentleness, one hand sliding up my waist, brushing across my sides, the curve of my breast, up my neck until it cups my jaw gently.

His lips softly press against my own, slowly and carefully exploring my own with long broad strokes of his tongue, as though he's committing the shape of them to memory, the plush pressure of his lips against my own, coaxes my mouth open, his tongue slowly and sensually intertwining with mine, sharing in the same breath, the same space as we slowly deepen the kiss. His mouth slanted over mine is with a slowness, as if we have all the time in the world. It's like air, a soft refreshing feeling. We kiss as if we're learning the shape and taste and feel of each other's mouths for the first time. But the kiss is also like coming home, a familiarity and comfort that only they can provide.

I hear the door open and softly approaching footsteps. I part my lips unwillingly from Kookie's, but unable to help myself, lean back to press butterfly kisses to his lips, to the corner of his mouth.

"Look at you two. Finally graduating. My loves all grown up." Hobi oppa says, both fondness and wistfulness in his tone, as though remembering the past few years, seeing the changes even as he stands there next to us.

His hands come to cup both our faces, leaning forward to kiss both our cheeks, stroking back Kookie's errant waves and brushing mine off my shoulder.

"You've come so far. I'm so incredibly proud." He adds, eyes imbued with warm loving energy, his own happiness and affection seeping out and mingling with our own.

I look up at Kookie, the image of him several years younger flashes in my mind's eye. He really has grown. Blossomed further into the man he is going to be, going to become.

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