Chapter 55- I need u

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With (Y/N) sitting there motionless on the sofa, I recognise the dazed glazed look her eyes hold, her eyes are blank and unrecognising. She is physically sitting here but mentally she's somewhere else. The tension that fills the room is thick and palpable, it feels like an oily, greasy coat which lathers over my skin and suffocates me. The energy is dismal but everyone is mustering up each scrap of hope for her, we're not going to let her go. We have to help her.

I recognise that she's dissociating. Becoming detached and removed from the physical present and reality as she tries to cope with her memories. I can't tell how long it'll last, but I do know for a fact that the best way we can help her is reassure her, ground her in an environment that is comforting and loving.

We need to tell her she's not alone, that she's loved, safe and cared for.

And hopefully it should slowly help bring her back. But the fear of not knowing, the uncertainty of how long this might last is what weighs down on my mind.

I can only act on what I do know. But everyone is different. Everyone reacts differently to trauma. I just hope that our love is strong enough to help her, enough to bring her back to us.

And that worry niggles at me, a constant reminder at the front of my mind.

Come back (Y/N). Come back to us.

The doorbell rings, a sudden shrill jingle which breaks through the low hum of chatter in the living room.

Jiminie gets off the floor and heads over to the door, feet hastily moving. He soon returns with JB and Jinyoung in tow, their faces are grave and sombre and their feet also hasten to where we are all sitting.

There's a quick curt nod of their heads before they kneel gently before (Y/N), eyes large as they scan her from head to toe in gazes that are both hurting and careful. They're making sure she's not physically injured.

"How long has she been dissociating?" JB asks, voice wavering. Jinyoung's hand comes to clasp his shoulder, squeezing gently in comfort.

"It's been a few hours." I reply, lips tight.

JB's not overly panicking. He's showing worry and hurt but he's not panicking. And then it makes me wonder if he's seen her go through this before.

JB and Jinyoung settle down on either side of her legs, heads gently leaning on her, their hands lying intertwined on the carpet between them.

And then JB speaks to her, a constant soft stream of chatter. About his day. About the past. About the latest arguments that have happened with his soulmate. Little details, big stories. Everything.

Jinyoung just watches on with eyes that are tender but also filling with tears. They fall quietly and he makes no move to wipe them away, leaning into (Y/N) for comfort, seeking her out even though she doesn't respond.


My heart comes lurching into my mouth when I see that blank look in her eyes. A look none of us have seen for a long, long time. It makes me feel like my world is crashing down, like everything has just come crumbling down, disintegrating around me. And I'm helpless to do anything more than try and live through it.

It reminds me of years past, of the girl I found looking out to nowhere, sitting there but mind somewhere else. It had taken months to draw her out from the silent husk she had become. And I would do whatever it took to bring her back. To me, who I was now and for the hand she grasped when I had offered it. I owed it to her now, and the child me owed it to her too.

"Remember the time when I came to play with you, and you were sitting down waiting for me as usual when some other boy came out of the blue? And plopped himself down next to you without a care in the world and tried to be friends. I was so jealous, so protective. You were my friend first and then suddenly there was a stranger trying to take you away from me. I was so hurt. So mad. I called you horrible names, pushed the boy over. But when he had a scratch on his knee, he didn't cry. You didn't yell. You just blew at his knee gently and brushed away the dirt. And then pulled me into a hug and told me I was being a silly lion. And then at the end of that day we had a new friend. We had Jinyoung with us." I speak, I know even if she doesn't respond she can still hear me. She is hearing me.

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