Chapter 94- teasing and toying

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I laugh as I watch Dae-Hyeonie and Hyun-Jae play, I get so engrossed by their giggles and flailing limbs that I abandon the couch to scuttle close, crawling towards the unknowing boys who laugh and play together. Hyun-Jae is still at the stage of adorable baby babble mixed with the occasional coherent word and yet his gurgling and small sounds seem to be completely understood by Dae-Hyeonie who's responding with equal enthusiasm as the two have a tea party with the large circle of plushies. Hyun-Jae claps his hands together when Dae Hyeonie moves forward to pour some juice into his little cup and though he drinks with enthusiasm and gets the juice everywhere, the bright grin he shoots his older brother makes it all worth it.

And it's at that point that the two notice me, eyes widening.

"Dada!" Dae Hyeonie greets and at the sound of his bright call Hyun-Jae's loose grip on his cup goes lax and he gurgles happily, mumbling incoherently.

"Aigoo having a tea party? Is dad not invited?" I ask, pouting cutely at them.

Whilst Hyun-Jae interprets it as a sad expression, lip beginning to wobble with a cry of 'dada', Dae Hyeonie stares at me intently, the gaze reminding me of Yoongi hyung- I feel like I'm being scrutinised by my soon to be four-year-old son.

"Mama said you have to bring gifts to people houses." He says, head cocked in a way that reminds me of (Y/N). And honestly I don't even know where he picked that up from, what conversation had he been intently in that he'd echoed her.

It's adorable.

So I lean forward to tug him forward pressing kisses all across his face even as he laughs and protests before turning to scoop our baby and do the same to him, smiling when I hear him gurgle and his hands flail in happiness.

"Dada will be back." I say rushing out the room as quick as I can to go to the kitchen pulling their favourite snacks from the cupboards before rushing back.

And when they see the offering in my arms Dae Hyeonie grins, clearing some space for me to sit down, scolding me when it looks like I'll squish his plushies.

"Careful dada! Tata and Chimmy always sit together." He says just as I push the two on either side and nodding along, I place them onto my right together before looking at our son.

"Better?" I ask, trying to repress the urge to gush.

He nods.

And then with sweet tenderness goes to give the first snack to his brother, opening it up for him and plopping himself down in front of him, breaking it up and feeding him slowly. It's endearing and in that moment I realise just how greatly (Y/N) influences him, he's doing exactly what she does when she feeds him. and Hyun-Jae is looking up at him with adoration and leans to press a sticky kiss to his brother's cheek.

"'hank you hyungie." He mumbles.

And I just melt.

And it's seated in a circle with plushies and our two sons that Jin hyung comes home, the first to arrive, and he smiles as he drops kisses on our heads- eyes fond and loving as he takes in the scene.

And then Tae and Kookie arrive, the camera hanging around Kook's next is immediately raised to snap shots of the scene before the boys realise that they're there and once he lowers it with a satisfied proud grin he bounds over towards us.

"Dae Hyeonie, Hyun-Jae!" Tae exclaims as Kookie suddenly twirls our youngest son up, laughing with him- the sounds of happy gurgling and excited giggles mingling with the bright innocent laughter of his dada as he greets him. He swaps over with Tae, who'd been greeting Dae Hyeonie, to greet our nearly four-year-old with the same enthusiasm.

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