Chapter 35- the day takes a dive

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(Y/N) POV:

Under the combined intensity of the looks Jiminie and Tae are shooting me, I can feel my heart begin to thud violently and erratically, it makes me feel both flustered and desired.

There's a deep intensity in their eyes, eyes which have darkened as they rake them over me and those gazes alone feel like they're brushing against my skin,  heated, unhurried touches. I press myself further into the counter but it does nothing to ease the palpable tension in the room.

But something else does, just as I see the two of them move closer, forming a shield between me and the rest of the world, trapping me within the moment, I hear the sound of chatter and footsteps, clear as day, as the rest of them enter the kitchen. Then the chatter seizes.

"What's happening here?" an amused fond voice calls but the two don't respond, instead the owner of the voice comes closer and spies me trapped between them. A small, fond smile tugs at Jinnie oppa's lips as he takes in the situation before he winks conspiratorially at me.

"Aigoo, my babies. Let's go, breakfast is getting cold. (Y/N)-ah, Yoongi wants to sit with you, be a sweetheart and put him out his misery?" Jinnie oppa says, sweeping an arm in to tug me out of there and usher me towards the kitchen table where Yoongi is indeed waiting for me, face propped up by a hand as he stares at me.

I sigh with relief as I get closer to the kitchen table, smiling at the others who are already seated and waiting. Oh breakfast. But then Jinnie oppa appears, hands laden with plates and the other two following, disgruntled, with other plates and the tray bearing the milkshakes.

Kookie snags the seat next to me, grinning cheekily at Tae and Jimin who stare affronted at the now occupied seat. But Kookie shrugs and just starts eating, cheeks bulging around the French toast he's eagerly eating, humming in content as he turns to throw me a thumbs up.

This time, I slip food onto Yoongi's plate, filling it eagerly and pushing the glass gently towards him. He smiles at me, soft and gummy, before slowly taking a sip of the milkshake.

I cut a piece off the French toast, spearing some fruit on before bringing it to Yoongi's mouth, watching as he looks shocked at first but opens his mouth to accept it. I turn to do the same for Kookie who just grins his soft bunny smile before leaning forward to take the fork into his mouth.

Across from me, I see Hobi oppa beam at me and next to him both Jinnie oppa and Joonie look content as they sit hands lightly intertwined. Next to them, is another story. The look of affront has melted off Jiminie's face and instead his face is lit up with joy, eyes crinkling and he turns to feed Tae who is less stiff but there's a tenseness in his posture, nonetheless.

I mentally took note to get some time alone with Tae and make sure he was fine, he seemed too tense and stiff these past few days and I was beginning to get concerned. I hope he was okay.

"(Y/N)-ah, here." I turned to see Kookie holding his glass towards me, eagerness in his eyes and even though I have my own, I soften at the gesture and lean forwards to take a sip, lips stained slightly from the cold shake.

His hand comes to wipe it away, slow, and soft but I freeze. Watching as Kookie's finger lingers on my lips, brushing them so gently, so softly, I thought I was imagining the touch. Even though my lips have been wiped clean, the touch lingers long after his fingers retreat, a slight tingly sensation left behind.

I avert my eyes when I realise, I have been watching him, staring intensely at him and flush when I see Hobi oppa's knowing glance.

After breakfast, when we're all seated on the couches, there's a niggling sense at the back of my mind, but it's insistent. That I'm forgetting something and it pulls at my mind, weighing down heavy. It's something important.

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