Chapter 28- is this all a wishful dream?

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"Let's go." (Y/N) said, her soft voice pulling me towards her but all I can focus on, all that my attention is on is the way her lips part to say those words, those lips that have been teasing me since I saw them looking swollen by kisses, kisses I too wanted to shower her with. Just as she reached the door my mind caught up with my actions, body already reaching out for her, hand darting around her wrist before I was spinning her around and pinning her to the door with my own body. Every part where our bodies were touching in some way was sending my body into overdrive with the sparks shooting across my skin.

I reached out to brush a wavy lock of her hair off her face, fingers brushing against the soft skin of her cheek before I tilted her head up and gently brushed her lips with my own. I waited for her to push me away, for her to shy away from the touch but she leaned in further, pressing her lips firmly against mine. I was pleasantly shocked before I was tilting my head, deepening the kiss as I regained control, lips pulling her own between mine as I sucked at the tender flesh, smiling when she breathily gasped. Our lips were sliding over each other, whilst it was new, it felt as natural as breathing, like this was how we were meant to be. Lips connected, slowly exploring each other, I felt her tongue brush against my mouth which opened with fervour before I was slowly coaxing her tongue to intertwine with my own before I parted our lips. I looked at her hooded eyes which slowly opened, eyelashes fluttering as she met my eyes, lips parted slightly, glistening and slightly swollen. I couldn't help but lean forward to press our lips together again, slowly, leisurely feeling her against me before I separated from them, the urge to dive back in strong but I leaned down, kissing my way across her jaw and then down her neck, enamoured with the way her neck automatically tilted back granting me further access to the tender skin of her throat which I couldn't help but slowly explore with my mouth, feeling the way her breath hitched as I peppered soft kisses across the column of her neck, feeling her pulse under my mouth.

I couldn't get enough, but I soon became aware of two loud voices from outside the door, two very familiar voices. I looked down at her, smiling at the way her body was pressing tightly against my own, the way her mouth was letting little wavering exhales of breath. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her slightly away from the door which was suddenly being swung open.

Her head flew to see who'd opened the door before her cheeks were sporting a rosy hue and she was scrabbling away from me but my arms tightened around her waist, not willing to relinquish the wholeness I'd been feeling to look over her head to two of our soulmates. Yoongi and Tae.

But there was nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide. Not to mention I felt incredibly proud of having our soulmate in our arms, so thrilled with how responsive she'd been, I was getting hooked on her presence, her warmth and soul. I didn't know how we'd managed to go so long without.


"Come on hyung!" Tae whined as he pulled at my arms whilst we stood waiting outside Jin hyung's and (Y/N)'s cooking class. The rest of the class had already filed out but there was no sign of either of them. Tae wanted to surprise them, especially (Y/N), by taking them to Mono where the rest of our soulmates were waiting to have lunch together.

"Tae relax, they're just packing away probably." I said, words failing to soothe and calm the antsy boy.

He just huffed before he was storming in, each stride full of determination to drag the two out if he had to, I allowed myself to be dragged, unable to help feeling fondness at the impatience Tae was displaying to be with all of us.

Surprisingly, the kitchens they cooked in were all empty, void of anyone and I looked to see Tae's face colour with confusion.

"Where are they?" he said, head darting to and fro as he examined the kitchens as though they'd materialise right in front of his eyes.

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