Chapter 64- a newer intimacy

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It's a few days afterwards that Spring Break begins and when it does, I know I can look forward to weeks with my soulmates passing the days by doing anything or simply nothing. Days of just enjoying each other's company, savouring their presence and being around them as much as possible. There's endless possibilities about what we could get upto.

And then it's the sight of a silky shirt hanging in Tae's cupboard- a bold vibrant choice that he pulls off effortlessly. But it's that we bought the shirt on the date we went on a while back. The date where he'd paused in front of the lingerie store.

I can't get Tae's words out of my mind. When we'd gone on that date- it had seemed so long ago but his wish to go shopping with (Y/N), a request for a particular shop, plays through my head again and again. The longing I'd felt through the bond, saw in his eyes. I know that our bond has shifted into something deeper, something more intimate but how does one go about bringing up that conversation?

When I'm watching a movie with Yoongi in our room, the two of us piled onto one bed and laying next to each other, there's the sound of a joyous rhythmic knock before the door swings open to a beaming Tae who bounces in without preamble and promptly drapes himself over the two of us, humming happily as he shifts to get comfortable.

"Hyung" he calls happily into our ears, the two of us turn, Yoongi pausing the film before we give him our undivided attention.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. And I figured Yoongi hyung could potentially hear wherever he is in the house." He chirps, I see intrigue and slight confusion fill Yoongi's face but he doesn't say anything.

"What about love?" I ask, reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of his eyes, exposing the full intensity of his brown orbs which immediately entrance me and lure me in further.

"Our trip to the mall." He pipes up and my own eyes widen with realisation, fully comprehending exactly what he means by that.

Yoongi looks unimpressed, shooting the two of us a blank stare.

"That's it?" he deadpans.

Tae laughs, a beautiful melodic sound, low in timbre and one that reverberates because of the way he's lying on top of us.

"Aigoo hyung...Jin hyung never told you?" he teases, voice full of laughter.

He darts a glance at me, eyes sparkling before turning to Yoongi.

He leans forward, lips grazing the shell of Yoongi's ear as he whispers in an audible tone.

"I want all of us to go to a store...specifically a lingerie one hyung." Tae croons, I watch as Yoongi visibly shudders- no doubt his ability making Tae's voice have an ever-greater impact than it's already having on me. His cheeks dust pink slightly and he turns to gape at me.

"And I want to spend a looong time there, helping her choose, seeing what she likes, learning more about her." Tae continues to sultrily whisper, voice going husky.

I gulp, even though it's not my ear his breath is caressing or the way he's eyeing Yoongi.

It adds sparks of tension in the room, fills it with a teasing love, a mischievous taunting.

"Tae don't tease. There's no way she'll agree." Yoongi retorts, but there's still a hopeful tinge to his voice, clearly excited by the idea. But even if his words are an unsuccessful attempt to deflect the true extent of how much he wants it to happen, they ring with truth.

Just how can we be sure that even if we do manage somehow to propose the idea, what's to say that she'll agree?

Should we give up the idea before we even let it take root?

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