Chapter 16- a little bit of comfort

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(Y/N) POV:

Inside my head I cursed Eunwoo and promptly started planning his funeral and the endless ways I'd torture him slowly for leaving me in this bind. I turned to see all seven of the guys looking at me with mixed expressions of shock, disbelief and...something akin to anger? Why would they be angry? And surely, they've seen hundreds of the girls at campus throw themselves at them in much, much less, so why be bothered by a sweater of all things? It wasn't exactly lingerie I was posing in that they had to look so dumbfounded for.

"What?" I asked, sudden boldness and slight irritation at the way they stood there silently. It seemed to break them out of their trance and they suddenly fidgeted.

They were a group of seven soulmates before I came along and now they were feeling uncomfortable or shocked by the oversized sweater I was wearing, I knew they had seen each other in plenty less, I had seen my friends in way less.

"Did...did Eunwoo take photos of you dressed like that?" Jungkook tentatively asked, eyes unable to meet my own as he averted his gaze.

I was confused. Was it that big of a deal? My mind started piecing together the expressions and Eunwoo's evil grin and it clicked. They were jealous?

"" I huffed, pushing my hair off my face and shoulders, letting it tumble down my back. Wrong move apparently. Their gazes snapped to how my shoulders lay bare, the sweater too large to rest on my body.

"I love Eunwoo's clothes." I stated watching with mild amusement as their eyes sharpened and snapped to mine.

"You're free to borrow ours." Namjoon said eagerly and I watched as their faces lit up as they looked to me. Too much unwanted attention. Abort. I needed to leave. I backed up slowly, turning to leave the room when I'd gotten to the door, I was just about to leave when my body suddenly crumpled.

An agonising flash of pain that left me winded, knees buckling as my vision blurred, body hitting the ground with a pained thump. I heard cries of alarm and then a herd of thundering footsteps. I clutched at my right side, a burning sensation that grew with intensity, it felt like I was being burnt alive, flames licking at my skin. I panted, hands clutching my side as though it would disappear from the force of my grip.

I had been ignoring the growing sense of discomfort for the past few hours, I didn't need poor Eunwoo delaying his work even further, he had already gone out his way to come all the way here. The stinging had begun as a small throb, a prickling feeling that only grew with every shot, every outfit change. But I didn't have the heart to break his focus.

I felt them crowd me, the bond thrumming with their close proximity but I couldn't bring myself to ask one of them to touch me, to soothe the pain, had I gained the right to? After running and running and running, did I deserve to have them be my respite, my momentary refuge? Another wave of pain hit me, stronger than the last, one that left me breathless and my head spinning, stomach churning.

"(Y/N), focus on my voice. We're all here." Taehyung's deep voice rang out, soft persuasion lined in his words and my mind started to comply, taking in the low voice that called me.

I tried to focus, tried to even my breathing but my panic only grew when I realised my mind and my body wouldn't cooperate with each other.

"(Y/N), I'm going to touch you....I know you may not want me to but right now we need to help you through this." A voice rang out, one I distantly recalled as Yoongi's before two hands reached out, settling on my shoulders, warmth seeping through the skin to skin contact, slowing the violent churning of my stomach, the waves of dizziness and the dull throbbing that had started at the back of my head.

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