Chapter 51- the aftermath and the wrath

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I stretch out for where I'm lying next to (Y/N), loosely spooning her from behind whilst Kookie was sleeping facing her on the other end, her head tucked under his and nestled close to his neck.

My mind was buzzing, it had been so hard to drop off to sleep last night, yesterday had been one of the most challenging and difficult days of my life. To see and feel two of my soulmates hurting, to know that Yuna had a hand in it, it made my blood boil, it made me want to storm out of the house right then and confront the two but seeing the distraught expressions on (Y/N) and Kookie's faces had halted my feet before I could even consider moving them.

But right now. When they were peacefully asleep, and I was awake- I couldn't stop the anger that begin to rise to the surface again. I didn't even want to think what would've happened if Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung hadn't made it on time. Even though they'd arrived in time, (Y/N) and Kookie had still been hurt, traumatised. And it was all down to Yuna. AGAIN.

I huffed, twisting slightly to lie on my back, glaring up at the ceiling. I couldn't sit around doing nothing. There was someone out there who hurt my soulmates, I wasn't going to lie about.

An arm came to drape across my stomach, I turned to see Jin hyung looking at me with eyes that were both fond and understanding.

"Baby you're emoting feelings of murder." He whispered, careful not to wake anyone.

And then Hobi hyung's head pops up into the crook of hyung's neck.

"And you're all agitated. Don't worry, there is no way we're letting them walk away from this. I told the officer that some of us would be paying a visit today." He adds, low morning voice doing wonders to settle my nerves, soothe the fury slightly and make me melt, all simultaneously.

But the dark promise that rolls of his tongue makes me shiver in anticipation. Hobi hyung when he's made is something no can ever remain unaffected or whole from. It's very rare when he gets angry to the extent, his energy rolls off in crackling sparks, the way his usually sunshine countenance is wiped away and a thunderous expression takes over.

I know he'll make them pay. And I want to be there when he does.

"I want to see the face of the bastard who thought he could go about making claims about (Y/N) like she's a possession." Jin hyung says lightly but his eyes are sparking with rage.

"A doll he said he wanted to make her. An obedient little doll." Hobi hyung hisses out and I recoil from the words, feeling the sting and possession in them. He said that? He dared?

It's enough to make me push the blankets off, sit up with anger radiating off me.

Jin hyung's hand comes to touch my leg.

"Calm down baby, I don't want the others to wake up. Let's go downstairs, yeah?" he soothes, touch abating the murderous intent that rises in me.

I take a quick glance to the side, feel my eyes soften as I look at how the others are cradling each other close in their sleep, bodies touching even if it's in the slightest.

Hyung's right. They could do with the rest, I know (Y/N) and Kookie especially could. Sleeping will allow (Y/N) to replenish her lost energy and I don't want either of them agitated.

I allow Hobi hyung and Jin hyung guide me out of the room, allow the warm cascade of the shower spray wash away any dregs of sleep, and slip into the clothes they've already laid out for me.

I walk down the stairs, quickly glance at the clock as I meet them at the door and allow the door to click quietly behind us when we step out into the early morning air and drive to the station.

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