Chapter 7- Cursed fate indeed

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(Y/N) POV:

I hurried off my shift, anxious to get back home as soon as possible, everywhere I went I kept on bumping into one of the Bangtan Boys, it was like the world was closing in on me and the walls were closing in. The universe was playing a cruel vicious game of hide and seek and it was only a matter of time it felt before I was found out. Why was it that no matter how hard I ran, how hard I tried to be invisibles, fate kept on shoving me onto an intertwined path with them? I thought I was good, I had tried my best to stay under the radar, learnt my lesson that to love was to destroy, so why on earth was I feeling trapped?

The moment the door behind me closed, I slumped against it grateful that I had made it home without incident. These run ins really made me want to stay under my blankets and never leave. But I knew that even though I had no lessons tomorrow and it was the end of the week, I still had to drag myself out of the dorm and meet up with my editor. Tomorrow was the launch of the webtoon at a big store and even though I insisted on anonymity, I still had to go and scope out the people it drew in. It allowed me to get a feel of how my readers felt and hear their honest thoughts about it, after all who'd suspect that the writer was in their midst, picking up their own copy?

I groaned at the thought of actually having to make conversation when all I wanted to do was stay inside, disconnected from the nuisance the world was posing to me at the moment. I dragged myself to bed, not wanting to leave for the rest of the day. It was also within the safety of the dorm that I could dress in clothes that didn't cover up my mark. For the world, it had to be hidden but at home, I could look at it without the burden of gossip and judgement pressing down on me.


I lay on the couch thinking back to earlier, (Y/N)'s behaviour was so natural, so normal before she realised who I was. She genuinely seemed to care about the customers, her behaviour towards them didn't seem forced but it was when she learnt who I was, something changed. Something slipped over her true personality, she became a shell almost. I didn't know if it was a defensive tactic or if she genuinely feared me. But it left an unsettling feeling in my mind. Something didn't quite add up.

From what I'd heard about her from the guys, I didn't know what picture it painted in my head. Tae wanted to be friends with her because she was the only girl on his course who showed no interest in him and didn't act desperately for attention his or anyone else's, he also couldn't stop about how pretty he found her notes- though I didn't get why that was a pull factor for him. I didn't question it though.

Jin hyung was in a cooking group with her but said she was comfortable with the other two guys in the group but not him. And we could all vouch for how harmless Jin hyung was, he was such a softie and shy when attention actually focused on him, his ears would always turn red which was a complete stark contrast from the Worldwide Handsome aura he gave off according to campus gossip.

Jimin-ah was so upset that he'd bumped into her but clearly, she'd stuck out somehow because there were many workers at Serendipity which was why he'd remembered her. He had felt so bad about it that he hadn't dared to visit the café this week, and that guy practically lived there after lessons.

And Namjoon. He was such a soft soul, clumsy sure but he was so apologetic after accidentally breaking something, and for him to come back and seek out Tae for reassurance, the role of being the pillar of support temporarily reversed had me thinking there was something about her that was leaving such a deep impact on my soulmates.

But I couldn't put my finger on it.

What it was I didn't know, but I intended to find out. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when I felt a body flop onto mine. I looked up. Kookie.

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