Chapter 2- Serendipity

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(Y/N) froze next to me as I heard Jin hyung call me. I didn't know what to do, Jin hyung kept prolonging the conversation and as nice as it was to catch up with him. Now. Was. Not. The. Time. I felt her shoulders tense as we turned around unwillingly. She pressed herself further into my side as though trying to make herself as small as possible. My heart broke.

I could hear her panicked distraught thoughts as she pleaded for some way to get out of this situation. I knew they were her soulmates. But she hadn't completely opened up to why she was so adamant on not bonding with them, I knew sooner or later it was going to start affecting her.

"How've you been Jaebum-ah?" Jin hyung asked.

"I've been good hyung. Busy these days but good." I replied, trying to hint that I couldn't stay.

"Oh, the second semester always seems to become busier, maybe it's the break..." he said looking thoughtful as he pondered over it. I wanted to drag (Y/N) out of here.

"Why haven't you introduced the lovely young lady next you? (Y/N), isn't it?" Jin hyung spoke up making her tense up even further at being mentioned.

I heard her think that clearly her trying to be small hadn't made her unnoticeable.

I racked my brain for ways to get her out of here.

She looked up slightly, raising her head fractionally before tilting it towards the group. She slid her hand out of mine and I looked at her confused. She slid to my other side and tiptoed upwards to pull her bag off my shoulder, body brushing against mine as she struggled to slide it down. I lowered my shoulder allowing her to reach it easily.

She pulled it over her own shoulders and pulled her hood up.

"I'll get going oppa, you stay here and chat. See you later." She murmured before her arms came around me to hug me quickly. Before I could even reciprocate the hug, she dashed off, feet flurrying quickly.

I looked at the group and before they could comment, the door chimed again and then a quiet thanks, I turned my head to see (Y/N) bowing to the server, her cheeks aflame before she ran out again.

I chuckled at the sight; she came in to say thanks. Of all things. And in this situation. She still came back to be polite and considerate.

"Was it something I said?" Jin hyung asked, a tone of concern in his voice.

"No hyung, she's just..." how do I word it. Avoiding you guys like the plague? Panics at the sight of you? Had a meltdown because of Tae? No.

I settled on a simpler explanation.

"She's not comfortable around strangers at all." I said lightly observing their faces twist into different expressions.

Tae slumped in his seat, Jungkook's arm going around him to reassure him.

I sat down on an empty seat, mind going to (Y/N). I hoped she didn't run into them again. Two times was twice too many.

(Y/N) POV:

I stepped into Serendipity, the cat café where I worked. My shoulders relaxed as the door shut behind me, the comforting aroma of coffee and pastries baking filling the air and the mewling of the cats greeting me. I waved to Hwasa unnie who stood behind the counter, she smiled at me before returning her attention to the customer. I quickly slid to the staffroom to put my bag into my locker and grabbing the apron to tie around the customary uniform of a white blouse and pastel yellow skirt. The blouse had pastel yellow embroidery and the Serendipity logo above my chest on the right side and my name tag. I was glad Serendipity didn't have a specific requirement for shoes, we needed to be able to move around quickly to serve the customers as well as taking care of the cats. Heels were banned. They could accidentally injure the cats, but it also meant I didn't have to walk home at night on aching feet. And I couldn't be more thankful.

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