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No ones POV
Virgil walked into the house after a long day of work. He was tired and sore from his job as stage crew at the local theater. Today they were working on and moving lots of big props. He pulled off his shoes and left them by the door. He stumbled into the living room and threw his bag onto a chair. Then he collapsed on the fuzzy carpet with a sigh. Soon he fell to sleep.

A few hours later Logan came home, he called out to his boyfriend but got no response. Leaving his shoes by the door he ventured farther into his house. He found Virgil asleep on the floor and smiled softly. He set to work gathering some blankets and pillows. Logan laid them on the floor and adjusted Virgil. Then he laid down next to his boyfriend who cuddled into his warmth. Logan smiled and wrapped his arms around his small boyfriend and soon fell asleep.

Hours later Logan woke up again. It took him a moment to remember he fell asleep with Virgil on the floor. He checked his watch and gently untangled himself from the sleeping Virgil. Logan went to the kitchen and warmed up some left over pizza and left it on the table. Then he returned to the living room where Virgil still lay asleep. Logan gently shook his shoulder until Virgil began to show signs of waking up. Virgil opened his eyes slowly and looked at his surroundings before meetings Logan's eyes above him.

"Hi," Virgil smiled groggily.

"I warmed up some pizza. Come get it before it gets cold," Logan stood up and left to the kitchen. Virgil took his time getting off the floor and trudging to the kitchen. They ate in silence before Logan took the plates and cleaned them. "Let's move our 'cuddle party' as one might say, to the bedroom where it is more comfortable."

Virgil chuckled at Logan's formal way of speaking. He nodded and grabbed Logan's hand as they went to their bedroom. They changed into their onesies and crawled into bed together. Before Virgil drifted off to sleep he could feel Logan place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

This is my first chapter with a new ship! Thank you the_purple_raven_17  for requesting this ship

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This is my first chapter with a new ship! Thank you the_purple_raven_17  for requesting this ship. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and how it came out. If you have any ship requests I'm willing to take them but it is not guarantied that I will write it. Have a good week, Kiddos!

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